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Different types of migraines and neuroinflammatory states

Oppdatert: 15. feb. 2022


I may also add that I suffer with many different forms of migraines, from vestibular migraines to more normal types of migraines that does not involve so much vestibular symptoms or moving brain sensation, though they are more rare. But I have experienced such types many times over the years as well, one example was a few days ago where I had severe pressure in the head with pain and a strong nausea that I refer to as neurological type of nausea that is a bit different from the type of nausea you get when having a stomach bug or flu. With this type of migraine I do not get the moving brain sensation or feel wired/nervous and exhausted with low theshold potential due to higher excitatory neurotoxicity, which also include sensory overwhelment simultaneously. It is a different type of migraine that feels more like brain fever than a migraine, or migraleptic state where there is noticable drift towards more and more seizure activity in the brain which include severe dizzines or vertigo and feeling wired and exhausted. So the symptoms depend on the type of migraine and severity and other types of neurological brain conditions, like migraleptic states and seizure like states. Again this only refers to the symptoms of the brain as the organ demanding most energy, where as I said when you go below a certain percentage when there is already a very compromised energy function due to mito dysfunction. In additon you have symptoms of the heart, muscles, digestive organs, endocrine organs etc. How severely one is affected depends on the current energy dysfunction which can be (partially) recovered when energy rise and the body is restituted. What organs are worst affected can also differ from one person to the next. And if they are on medications daily, say anti seizure medictions (gaba medicatinos) then their brain will be more protected and they will have much less symptoms of the brain and brain inflammation as the medication reduce this, and all the symptoms accompinied by a brain prone to neuroinflammatory activity, mostly caused by energy (mito?) dysfunction, and if they have been on such medications for many years, maybe since their symptoms started, they will have been protected also from neurons being damaged and killed as they have avoided countless of neuroinflammatory conditions and symptoms.

When brain inflammation is reduced, cognitive and mental function will be closer to that of a person not suffering from brain inflammation/neuro inflammation. This happens in better periods. Also in addition to different organs requiring more or less energy, what organs are affected are also somewhat dependent on what organ you use, but to a lesser degree. but some excercise of organs like the brain and muscles is useful, but must be suited to the current energy capacity of the patient or else a longer, more severe relapse can occur.

Painkillers/anti inflammatory over the counter medications to relieve migraines or brain inflammation including migraines with cognitive and mental symptoms like feeling slightly depressed lasting only as long as the migraine is at its worst, where it is a symptom of the migraine state (brain inflammatory state) due to hormonal causes like pms or in the period, when going out of the energy envelope for the patient and a heavy migraine might set in. Though as I have stated, usually and for the most part even with bad migraines I have managed not to get depressed, but when the inflammation is more severe and may attack differently it can rarely happen as a result of the inflammatory brain usually not caused by negative thoughts (though if you go through sudden traumatic life event, it will of course aggravate the illness and emotions will be affected directly. . See the long explanations of various stress factors that can worsen the brain inflammatory state particularly for those with mito/energy dysfunction.

Energy drainers such as sickness, weather extremes, life stresses, etc., require us to make more energy. And, anything that drains our energy makes us work less well overall. This is true for all people, with or without energy disorders.

Patients with energydysfunctional disorders experience a more profound effect from energy drains because their defect is in energy production and usage.”

9th of August 2017 Have been worse this period, not normal bleedings. Severe migraines from I wake up which is a type that is more typical right before and from day 3 approximately as well as often a few days to a week after the period is finished. Also experienced severe dizziness and often shaking / shivering in the brain that gets worse and worse after energy demanding tasks. Had to take gaba medications, but tonight it did not help isolated at least. Painkillers (combination of paracetamol duo with caffeine and naproxen which is the only combination of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs that help this type of migraine (I suffer with many types as mentioned above). With this type of migraine that comes around the period, the inflammation may sometimes be so strong that it can affect The mental state so that I get heavy mind which is a symptom of migraine.

NOTE: This usually resolve after 1-2 days.

SIDENOTE (Update: Same symptoms happened 16.8, on a day after a heavy migraine as I often have even more severe migraines about 3 days to a week after the period is over. I got up at around 11 and pushed mhyself to do some physical work with new flooring. I had very low energy, but I kept pushing myself for about 3 1/2 hours until I was completely worn out and I had increased symptoms including in the heart, muscle tics and numbness in legs and symptoms in the brain due to increased brain inflammation. Felt like a blackout or concussion in my brain with obvious brain inflammation and it affected both the cognitive and the mental state. There was no other reason to suddenly feel this way as the exhaustion increased and all these symptoms increased. Not a new experience, this has happened several times before after similar physical strenious activities. Other times I can also start shaking and trembling and get a more epileptic type of reaction for instance after I mow the lawn and get very exhausted and sometimes after eating a full meal, even healthy. This was not the case this time as Idid not get particularly epileptic. So an attack or episode can be quite different,)

Back to 9th of August and the effect of anti-inflammatory medications: This happens only occasionally as described earlier. The interesting thing is that it was not the gaba medications that reduced the pain and other symptoms significantly enough to notice, including heavy mind, it was the painkillers, that is, medications that only target inflammation with pain and fever. It was clear that it was painkillers that best breduced the symptoms of this type of migraine today and also helped with cognitive symptoms as my brain felt clearer and lighter. When I tried the others first (gaba medications) I did not notice anything in particular, only less vertigo. This has happened several times before, and with this type not even Triptan sprays help.

This is also in line with an article I posted on migraine research where pain relievers (anti-inflammatory) meds and not medications that affect neurotransmitters (such as gaba and serotonin, for example) can reduce the symptoms of this type of migraine. Nothing new, but again here one can see how these are symptoms of brain inflammation and it can be reduced either by pain relievers (anti-inflammatory), magnesium injections (as the first recommendation of Dr. Cheney against excitatory neurotoxic state) or Triptans. Anti-seizure medications help to prevent migraines.


Also note how this is also in addition to medical science, a particularly recent medical science, also in harmony with the health teachings of Ellen G. White. Mental stress are only one type of stressor of numerous types and stress factors of physical, chemical, environmental, cognitive and mental stress. How sensitive you are to all these various types of stress factors where the term stress is something that puts a stress to the body depends how many functional mitochondria you have available at any given time (this can vary even for a person with mito dysfunction as mitochondria can partially heal itself, though if you were born with a larger number of dysfunctional mitochondria, you can never recover fully and heal your mitochondria so much you can have as much energy like healthy individuals do. Unless a miracle takes place or a medical procedure invented in the future.

Overexertion, lack of sleep and rest, hormonal changes like pms and the period, too cold or hot temperatures, virus, bacteria infection, tic bite, mold, poor air (lack of oxygen), lack of vital vitamins and minerals, protein, healthy fatty acids etc, exposure to air pollution and chemicals, mental stress like grief, shock etc. Again I have given a rough percentage of the factors that are most frequent for me, although they can differ somewhat in certain periods. All in the category physical/organic.

Also a combination of many things. In addition as I have stated just going through the day with all the processes the body needs energy to perform, automatic, but also things like digestion, handling all types of stimuli, physical and cognitive activities. In any event, ths is very consistent with what Ellen White writes in regards to health and what various factors that causes impurities and inflammation and lack of life/vital force (which is mitochondrial dysfunction/energy dysfunction). This is clear as the day. One of countless examples where she writes that lack of oxygen/fresh air and not spending time in nature (with all its healing agency from sunrays, to fresh air, to the scent coming from some trees that can be healing) can make a patient irritable and gloomy. In this particular instance it was mentioned lack of fresh air and breathing impure air inside buildings withouy ventilation. So it was a physical cause that lead to the emotional symptoms of irritability and gloominess because the brain would then become inflamed which can cause such symptoms along with a host of others. That was one example of many such examples. She also writes a lot about overexertion and how it can destroy the vital/life force which is bascially mithochondrial dysfunction, where this state in and of itself due to dysfunction in the energy producing mitochondria inside the cells, will attack first the most energy demanding organs like the brain, causing brain inflammation, the heart, leading to cardiomyopathy and other conditions, inflammation of muscles, endocrine problems, digestive system and more.

What is attacked and affected depends of the severity and other factors and can vary from one patient to the next. It can as said many times before be the other way around too, but it is beyond any doubt that all these factors can lead to such symptoms associated with brain inflammation. The cause varies and can also be a combination of several factors. When suffering with a mito dysfunction and chronic illness with an obvious no doubt energy dysfunction, it is more than evident how patients will get sick or sicker when their energy drops too low, which does not always have to involve much activity or stimuli and how very sensitive they are to ALL types of stressors, causing reactions and increased symptoms due to mito dysfunction. Numerous types and stress factors of physical, chemical, environmental, cognitive and mental stress.

Brain inflammation/Encephalopathy and an excitatory neurotoxic state caused by energy (mito?) dysfunction. This state can cause the brain to become more and more sensitive to physical stimuli and activity as well as emotional stress.

Oftentimes it is neurological in nature, sometimes a combination and sometimes emotional in nature (but since this is a chronic brain inflammatory state that gets milder and more severe in periods and at different times during the day, like after activity and stimuli or simply as energy reduce during the day and evening, it is rarely just emotional in nature. If so it must be very unusual where the brain inflammation is very minimal and the emotional factor extreme.) Because the more severe the brain inflammation the more sensitive it becomes and lower threshold potential it has ( lower threshold means that the limit the brain has before it reacts to stimuli of various kinds= increased sensitivity for the brain to react) when exposed to various activity, stimuli (light, sound, movement and particularly unsteady or blinking or rapid), but also it become more sensitive to emotional stress and will react faster and more severe to this type of stressor as well. So even if this is a neurological state of the brain (brain inflammatory) and can react to all types of stimuli, it often do not involve fear or worry unless being confronted with a situation that can trigger this also. But a neurological reaction to stimuli like vestibular migraine attacks and various forms of epilepsy are usually only neurological in nature, but this increased excitatory state can also lower the threshold potential and can make you react also more quicker and more severe to emotional stressors as well and that is when fear can become involved. The alarm condition of the brain as it become more and more inflamed (excitotoxic) say when energy drops with an already present mito dysfunction illness, after activity, exposure to stimuli or as the day and evening progresses, and energy drops naturally after sleep) is a much needed and natural form of alarm system that notify the brain that it is in danger of moving more and more towards increased seizure/increased inflammation. A state that can potentially damage neurons if not addressed.

When you have tried various methods like resting in a room without stimuli or going for a walk in fresh air and the brain still keeps moving towards incressed migraine with vertigo, direction toward seizure, and you do not think about anything stressful either, you will need to take anti-seizure medication and or sometimes over-the counter painkillers as they can help to reduce inflammation also of the brain. I have written about this in a seperate note.

Excitatory Neurotoxic state (neuro inflammation) is neurological in nature, but this state can make the brain more prone or sensitive also to emotional stress as well, in addition to other types of physical stimuli like sharp light, sounds(loud) and movements like blinking, unsteady and rapid. The more inflamed the brain/more excitotoxic, the lower the limit the brain has before it react. So if it is more severe it can also start to react to small amount of stimuli (normal sounds, normal light and movement and metal stress as well). The more severe this state is, the more inflamed the brain is which oftentime also lead to migraine and even seizure activity. This is basically a neurological state of the brain, but it will also become more sensitive to react to emotional stress. Brain inflammation can also sometimes influence emotions more directly without there necessarily being an added emotional stressor, this is a neuropsychriatric state. And/or mental stress that one handled well in a milder brain inflammatory state can become much more difficult to handle if the brain inflammation become more severe. (Again, not saying mental stress does not) For instance a brain inflammatory condition can sometimes lead to symptoms of depression even when there are no emotional stress that triggers it, if so it can respond to medications that decrease inflammation of the brain which has happened to me a few times where over the counter painkillers that decrease inflammation in the body have also reduced or eliminated these symptoms. Other times anti seizure medication works best or a combination. But all of these things will lessen and become more severe depending on the current energy function (both current mitochondria dysfunction which represent the current energy capacity/envelope, and then how much energy drops throughout the day, and how well you manage to stay within this current energy envelope- The more you go outside, the more symptoms you will get as the organs and particularly the most energy demanding ones like the brain, heart etc will become inflamed and become more and more dysfunctional. Again this go up and down all the time depending on available current energy, various healing factors and various types of stress factors like lack of sleep, overactivity (going outside your energy envelope), pollution and not getting fresh air, lack of nutrients etc etc. I have written a list of this elsewhere.

So for the most part the reactions of the brain in a brain inflammatory excitotoxic state is neurological in nature, as we see when the brain reacts with vestibular migraine attacks etc or various types of epileptic conditions and attacks (I wrote about some of these that are more present in patients with mitochondria disease and are not the typical grand mal type of seizures). This excitotoxic neuroinflammatory state can also make the brain more prone to react easier to emotional stressors and this state can also sometimes influence emotional areas of the brain (for instance when there is an energy dysfunction in the cells and brain cells/neurons. It will also lower neurotransmitters in the brain) where it then becomes neuropsychriatric in nature, but where the solution is to reduce inflammation and or improve mitchondrial function. Which again will reduce the inflammation on particularly the more energy demanding organs and increase overall function of these organs. Like the brain, both cognitive and emotional since all these centers are located in the brain and will more or less be affected when the brain is inflamed which are not only logical, but facts.

I have written more detailed about this earlier, this is more like a summary.


Additions , 25th of July 2018.

Like I said before. I am not afraid and never been afraid to say if i sink into an EMOTIONAL depression. That is extreme mental anguish. I have given you a list before of when this has happened and I have said I can sometimes dip into such states for a day or two sometimes still. Then there are extreme migraines where the brain is literally on fire and I can be close to sinking in, but often manage not to. But sometimes it happens automatically and like I said when this happens, current life events and negativity etc becomes a lot more difficult to handle. I recall long periods where my brain has been so inflamed that I have not been able to move my mouth or face as I have been close to paralyzed and the muscles in the face is also inflamed, and I managed to find ways to be happy still yet peoplr shouted at me for thinking I was depressed as my lips were pouted and I could barely move my mouth. But like I said, if it gets too severe and there is additional activated viruses or bacteria as my brain and ears feels like they are full of cotton and also extreme pressure in the brain in addition to a fever or high fever which was the case last time, then it can happen. Then it went away or reduced significantly after one to two days even if the horrible situation did not.

If this happens I become more allergic to dark colors and surroundings. But when I simply have brain inflammation that is neither too severe as to negatively affect emotions much, or if it is worsened or accompanied by emotional negative stress (though it depends), I will usually have no problems with it and find the dark room soothing for my brain and eyes.

Problem is if I suffer with both at the same time. The neurological side will be shielded from light, while the mental part would want light. While the neurological side can affect emotions, it will not affect them enough at least unless the brain inflammatory state is too severe and, to need light surroundings, in other words, I can handle what the neurological part crave, to be shielded from light. But it depends on severity, sometimes you want a little light and then to be shielded from it. It also vary as the brain inflammatory conditions are not always the same, and I am not only talking about the severity of the brain inflammatory state, but types. And if there are bacteria, virus or mold for instance activated etc. I have explained about different conditions. Also if I feel mental depressed or anguish rather that usually last for a day or two before it passes, though it depends and I have experienced some in the past that has lasted for weeks and months, and while I was somewhat worn out at the time, it is very different from the setback and relapses I get the last decade or more.

I have told you when I have had a mental depression in addition. Very rare. Setbacks and relapses are mostly physical and neurological and while the brain inflammatory state can affect emotions, I have avoided falling into a mental depression as in mental anguish for the most part. I know the difference and have explained the difference. Same with the excitatory neurotoxic state and seizure activity in the brain as I have explained in detail as well. How the brain will react neurologically to loud sounds without there being a phobia in the sense that I become afraid of the sounds. When the brain inflammatory state is reduced after say sleep or other healing factors for the brain, after the time it takes to recover enough, I will often tolerate the same sounds maybe two days later. I will also tolerate better other things that my brain would not tolerate when the brain inflammation is too severe like blinking, pop ups etc. ------ Most of the following was written in 2016, but I stated the same sentiments today, 2018, after having had a severe relapse now lasting for about 5 weeks. PS-today I woke up with a very severe vestibular migraine attack that had occcured during sleep. Due to all the symptoms and visible and detectable myofascia all over my face, temples, along the jawline and swelling/edema (and you could feel and hear loud the crunching sounds when I massed these numerous muscle knots. This was not present before I went to sleep, so it occured during sleep. I also had a pleasant dream, no nightmare. After i woke up and discovered all of this, I had to take many different medications in order to curb it somewhat. This was a major attack. I also notived menstrual blood a few hours later. PMS and the period always increase the severity of my migraines and vertigo. When you get a MAV attack (migraine with vertigo) it means that your brain is in a neurotoxic state. The neurons will fire at very little stimuli, meaning it gets extremely sensitive/hypersensitive (excitotoxic state) to stimuli as light (photophobia), sensitive to sounds and movements (particularly fast and unpredictable movements) such a blinking, scrolling on the computer. The worse this state the worse the sensitivity is. So when the brain is in this state, the threshold potential is extremely low and the neurons will fire if exposed to too much (how sensitive your brain is will vary from hour to hour or day to day, week to week). This means that the higher the neurotoxic/excitotoxic state, the lower the threshold potential. When the neurotoxic state is high it means that your brain/body will try to protect you from basically ruining your brain or cause an even worse brain condition like a more serious seizure or even stroke. This is why you will have photophobia, phonophobia and aversions for scrolling the screen, aversion for blinking lights, aversion for anything that can worsen the state your brain is currently in. This is just the brain trying to protect you. And what is very wrongly labeled getting “stressed” over it, and that somehow the solution would be to “calm down” in such a situation is not only dangerous, but sheer insanity. The patient NEED to protect himself from the ongoing factor rapidly worsening the migraine/vertigo attack, and need to be/sound alarmed many times in order for the factors triggering and worsening the migraine (say flashing white or blue light repeatedly in a dark room). If you do not get or sound alarmed in such a critical situation, the likelihood of getting a very severe attack (stroke-like attack) is profound. So it is by all means counter-productive and dangerous to not be alarmed and make every effort as quickly as possible to stop the factor increasing the current attack and potentially and likely will cause a bad epileptic or stroke-like attack if not immediately addressed. Same is true for other serious conditions that require immediate actions. The person can not in this situation, say a vestibular severe migraine attack, relax in such a situation,, as the threshold potential in their brain is critically low in such a condition (I speak of a more sever attack, where the threshold potential gets very low). This is the reason why one needs to protect the brain and raise the threshold potential of the brain when critically low, as it is impossible to relax as it is neurological and when energy dysfunction is the cause as well, energy will drop more and more after every activity and stimulating/exciting activity will make the situation worse as the brain is already in an excitatory neurotoxic state, albeit a negative one. But even a positive exciting state, like laughter, will be a stimuli and too excitable, when this severe and increase he excitatory neurotoxic state of the brain/neuroinflammatory condition (proven in ME patients). It is not until the condition improves that you can again go back to handling more normal activity, like handling sunlight, pc screen light, sound and noise and handling blinking, scrolling and other types of activity that is hard to impossible when you have a MAV attack or similar brain illness that will cause the neurons to fire at very little stimuli. It can last for hours, days, weeks and months at a mild, moderate to severe level of dysfunction.

I have found that GABA medications /antieplieptica helps more than most medications. Other times a mix of paracetamol with caffeine and naproxen helps and sometimes migraine meds (triptans). Vestibular migraines from mild to severe and Migralepsy seems to fit best with my primary symptoms. There is no doubt for me that there is a clear correlation between the two where migraine with vertigo is like a slow or mild convulsions. I can feel the brain move back and forth and the nystagmus/shaking of the eyes seems to be an outward sign of what is happening in the brain. When the brain moves back and forth, the eyes will too.

Gaba medication like Lamictal, Gabapentin, Rivotril (Clonazepam), Sobril (albeit too mild if severe) and other medications will help to increase the threshold potential (reduce the hyperexcitable state your brain is in) so it will go back to a more normal function whenever this attack/state occurs. Gaba will reduce brin inflammation whereas alcohol and tobacco will induce and increase brain inflammation. This is also how it will help a person who has epilepsy. This is also how sleeping pills which are also Gaba medications can help to heal the brain for those who have suffered a stroke. Remember the describtion of James White's illness, where his brain was in a severely neurotoxic/excitotoxic state due to a recent stroke and he could not handle any sewing or knitting or conversations in the room? This was a perfect example of the phonophobia that occurs when the brain is in this severe neurotoxic state. The neurons would fire at the slightest stimuli (in this case normal or even weak sound) that most would consider almost unnoticable when the brain is not suffering like this. His phonophobia (reaction and aversion to normal sound) was his brain trying to alarm him so that his state was not further aggravated and stopped or regressed the healing process he was in by resting (at the timebeing). If someone who did not understand his situation and condition would come into his room at this time and force him to endure not only conversations in the room, but also sewing and knitting and worse, because they thought that his phonophobia was irrational (yes, to them it would of course be), but to him it was his brain and body trying to protect him at the present from aggravating his medical condition. When his brain healed over time, his neurotoxic state was reduced gradually and could later resume more normal activity and expose himself to the sound of conversations, knitting, sewing and other stimuli he could not at the time handle. Same with myself, and this has been ongoing in periods or days when I have a relapse to to usually a physical type of stressor, in most cases overexertion, my monthly period that increases toxicity and increased anemia, lack of sleep, cold exposure, infections (the flu or cold etc). Most of the following was written in 2016, but I stated the same sentiments today after having had a severe relapse now lasting for about 5 weeks.

PS-today I woke up with a very severe vestibular migraine attack that had occcured during sleep. Due to all the symptoms and visible and detectable myofascia all over my face, temples, along the jawline and swelling/edema (and you could feel and hear loud the crunching sounds when I massed these numerous muscle knots. This was not present before I went to sleep, so it occured during sleep. I also had a pleasant dream, no nightmare. After i woke up and discovered all of this, I had to take many different medications in order to curb it somewhat. This was a major attack. I also noticed menstrual blood a few hours later. PMS and the period, among many other physical triggers, always increase the severity of my migraines and vertigo.

When you get a MAV attack (migraine with vertigo) which is my main symptom/sub-condition, it means that your brain is in a neurotoxic state. The neurons will fire at very little stimuli, meaning it gets extremely sensitive/hypersensitive (excitotoxic state) to stimuli as light (photophobia), sensitive to sounds and movements (particularly fast and unpredictable movements) such a blinking, scrolling on the computer. The worse this state, the worse the sensitivity is. So when the brain is in this state, the threshold potential is extremely low and the neurons will fire if exposed to too much (how sensitive your brain is will vary from hour to hour or day to day, week to week). This means that the higher the neurotoxic/excitotoxic state, the lower the threshold potential. When the neurotoxic state is high it means that your brain/body will try to protect you from basically ruining your brain or cause an even worse brain condition like a more serious seizure or even stroke. This is why you will have photophobia, phonophobia and aversions for scrolling the screen, aversion for blinking lights, aversion for anything that can worsen the state your brain is currently in. This is just the brain trying to protect you. And what is very wrongly labeled getting “stressed” over it, and that somehow the solution would be to “calm down” in such a situation is not only dangerous, but sheer insanity. The patient NEED to protect himself from the ongoing factor rapidly worsening the migraine/vertigo attack, and need to be/sound alarmed many times in order for the factors triggering and worsening the migraine (say flashing white or blue light repeatedly in a dark room). If you do not get or sound alarmed in such a critical situation, the likelihood of getting a very severe attack (stroke-like attack) is profound. So it is by all means counter-productive and dangerous to not be alarmed and make every effort as quickly as possible to stop the factor increasing the current attack and potentially and likely will cause a bad epileptic or stroke-like attack if not immediately addressed. Same is true for other serious conditions that require immediate actions. The person can not in this situation, say a vestibular severe migraine attack, relax in such a situation,, as the threshold potential in their brain is critically low in such a condition (I speak of a more sever attack, where the threshold potential gets very low). This is the reason why one needs to protect the brain and raise the threshold potential of the brain when critically low, as it is impossible to relax as it is neurological and when energy dysfunction is the cause as well, energy will drop more and more after every activity and stimulating/exciting activity will make the situation worse as the brain is already in an excitatory neurotoxic state, albeit a negative one. But even a positive exciting state, like laughter, will be a stimuli and too excitable, when this severe and increase he excitatory neurotoxic state of the brain/neuroinflammatory condition (proven in ME patients).

It is not until the condition improves that you can again go back to handling more normal activity, like handling sunlight, pc screen light, sound and noise and handling blinking, scrolling and other types of activity that is hard to impossible when you have a MAV attack or similar brain illness that will cause the neurons to fire at very little stimuli. It can last for hours, days, weeks and months at a mild, moderate to severe level of dysfunction.

I have found that GABA medications /antieplieptica helps more than most medications. Other times a mix of paracetamol with caffeine and naproxen helps and sometimes migraine meds (triptans). Vestibular migraines from mild to severe and Migralepsy seems to fit best with my primary symptoms. There is no doubt for me that there is a clear correlation between the two where migraine with vertigo is like a slow or mild convulsions. I can feel the brain move back and forth and the nystagmus/shaking of the eyes seems to be an outward sign of what is happening in the brain. When the brain moves back and forth, the eyes will too.

Gaba medication like Lamictal, Gabapentin, Rivotril (Clonazepam), Sobril (albeit too mild if severe) and other medications will help to increase the threshold potential (reduce the hyperexcitable state your brain is in) so it will go back to a more normal function whenever this attack/state occurs.

Gaba will reduce brain inflammation whereas alcohol and tobacco will induce and increase brain inflammation. This is also how it will help a person who has epilepsy. This is also how sleeping pills which are also Gaba medications can help to heal the brain for those who have suffered a stroke. Remember the description of James White's illness, where his brain was in a severely neurotoxic/excitotoxic state due to a recent stroke and he could not handle any sewing or knitting or conversations in the room? This was a perfect example of the phonophobia that occurs when the brain is in this severe neurotoxic state. The neurons would fire at the slightest stimuli (in this case normal or even weak sound) that most would consider almost unnoticable when the brain is not suffering due to these medical conditions. His phonophobia (reaction and aversion to normal sound) was his brain trying to alarm him so that his state was not further aggravated and stopped or regressed the healing process he was in by resting (at the time being). If someone who did not understand his situation and condition would come into his room at this time and force him to endure not only conversations in the room, but also sewing and knitting and worse, because they thought that his phonophobia was irrational (yes, to them it would of course be), but to him it was his brain and body trying to protect him at the present from aggravating his medical condition. When his brain healed over time, his neurotoxic state was reduced gradually and could later resume more normal activity and expose himself to the sound of conversations, knitting, sewing and other stimuli he could not at the time handle. Same with myself, and this has been ongoing in periods or days when I have a relapse to to usually a physical type of stressor, in most cases overexertion, my monthly period that increases toxicity and increased anemia, lack of sleep, cold exposure, infections (the flu or cold etc). Brain inflammation/Encephalitis and an excitatory neurotoxic state caused by mito dysfunction. This state can cause the brain to become more and more sensitive to physical stimuli and activity as well as emotional stress. Oftentimes it is neurological in nature, sometimes a combination and sometimes emotional in nature (but since this is a chronic brain inflammatory state that gets milder and more severe in periods and at different times during the day like after activity and stimuli or simply as energy reduce during the day and evening, it is rarely just emotional in nature, if so it must be very unusual where the brain inflammation is very minimal and the emotional factor extreme.)

Because the more severe the brain inflammation is, the more sensitive it becomes and the lower threshold potential it has ( lower threshold means that the limit the brain has before it reacts to stimuli of various kinds = increased sensitivity for the brain to react) when exposed to various activity, stimuli (light, sound, movement and particularly unsteady or blinking or rapid), but also it become more sensitive to emotional stress and will react faster and more severe to this type of stressor as well.

So even if this is a neurological state of the brain (brain inflammatory) and can react to all types of stimuli, it often do not involve fear or worry unless being confronted with a situation that can trigger this also. But a neurological reaction to stimuli like vestibular migraine attacks and various forms of epilepsy are usually only neurological in nature, but this increased excitatory state can also lower the threshold potential and can make you react also more quicker and more severe to emotional stressors as well, and that is when fear can become involved.

The alarm condition of the brain as it become more and more inflamed (excitotoxic) say when energy drops with an already present mito dysfunction illness, after activity, exposure to stimuli or as the day and evening progresses and energy drops naturally after sleep) is a much needed and natural form of alarm system that notify the brain that it is in danger of moving more and more towards increased seizure/increased inflammation, a state that can and will cause damage and even murder to brain cells/neurons if not addressed.

When you have tried various methods like resting in a room without stimuli or going for a walk in fresh air and the brain still keeps moving towards seizure and you do not think about anything stressful either, you will need to take anti-seizure medication and or sometimes over-the counter painkillers as they can help to reduce inflammation also of the brain. I have written about this in a seperate note.

Excitatory neurotoxic state (neuro inflammation) is neurological in nature, but this state can make the brain more prone or sensitive also to emotional stress as well, in addition to other types of physical stimuli like sharp light, sounds(loud) and movements like blinking, unsteady and rapid. The more inflamed the brain/more excitotoxic, the lower the limit the brain has before it react. So if it is more severe it can also start to react to small amount of stimuli (normal sounds, normal light and movement and metal stress as well). The more severe this state is, the more inflamed the brain is which oftentime also lead to increased seizure activity. This is basically a neurological state of the brain, but it will also become more sensitive to react to emotional stress. Brain inflammation can also sometimes influence emotions more directly without there necessarily being an added emotional stressor, this is a neuropsychriatric state. (Again, not saying mental stress does not) For instance a brain inflammatory condition can sometimes lead to symptoms of depression even when there are no emotional stress that triggers it, if so it can respond to medications that decrease inflammation of the brain which has happened to me a few times where over the counter painkillers that decrease inflammation in the body have also reduced or eliminated these symptoms. Other times anti seizure medication works best or a combination. But all of these things will lessen and become more severe depending on the current energy function (both current mitochondria dysfunction which represent the current energy capacity/envelope, and then how much energy drops throughout the day and how well you manage to stay within this current energy envelope- The more you go outside, the more symptoms you will get as the organs and particularly the most energy demanding ones like the brain, heart etc will become inflamed and become more and more dysfunctional. Again this go up and down all the time depending on various healing factors and various types of stress factors like lack of sleep, overactivity (going outside your energy envelope), pollution and not getting fresh air, lack of nutrients et. I have written a list of this elsewhere .

So for the most part the reactions of the brain in a brain inflammatory, excitatoxic state is neurological in nature as we see when the brain reacts with vestibular migraine attacks etc or various types of epileptic conditions and attacks (I wrote about some of these that are more present in patients with mitochondria disease and are not the typical grand mal type of seizures). This excitotoxic neuroinflammatory state can also make the brain more prone to react easier to emotional stressors and this state can also sometimes influence emotional areas of the brain (for instance when there is an energy dysfunction in the cells and brain cells/neurons, it will also lower neurotransmitters in the brain) where it then becomes neuropsychriatric in nature, but where the solution is to reduce inflammation and or improve mitchondrial function. Which again will reduce the inflammation on particularly the more energy demanding organs and increase overall function of these organs like the brain, both cognitive and emotional since all these centers are located in the brain, and will more or less be affected when the brain is inflamed which is not only logical, but facts.

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