25th of February
I have had menstrual like symptoms, including vaginal discharge both prior to my period, without blood, yet it feels exactly like menstruating, both before and after.
It is like both having urinary tract infection and menstruation at the same time. So discharge from two places at once. Like constant small drops,yet as soon as there is a form of negative, positive or neutral stress or stimuli, there is a larger quanity of discharge. Just like when you have a more serious migraine, you can release a larger quantity of fluid from your nose. Or eyes. Or by sweating. Often it will be a combination of several.
I have suffered much with migraine, vertigo and exhaustion the last weeks. Today for instance I have this electrical sensation in my legs, muscle tics, excitatory neurotoxic state of my brain (neuroinflammatory) condition. I eat frequent small snack meals, yet I have lost weight.
My threshold potential is very low, so all types of stimuli enters without being able to prevent or stop it when exposed to this.
Whether positive, negative or neutral. Say things that make me laugh, or cry. Both very depressing situations or situations that are more bittersweet (sweet form of melancholy), or uncomfortable sounds and noise that I normally handle well.
It could also be a shock like reaction or fear. Say the discomfort of watching a real fight taking place. And blinking, flashing, strong light etc. Various stress that startle me.
All stiumli that make the brain react, with various effects in my other organs. The heart, the stomach, legs etc. Like I said before, it often cause discharge like feeling I wet myself and /or vaginal discharge. Sometimes also sweating, watery eyes and nasal discharge.
All due to stress of some kind. Meaning they can be stresssful for the brain and body when the energy is low, which again cause brain inflammation, migraine/vertigo, migraleptic or epileptic states (excitatory neurotoxic state, again with low threshold potential) which leave all guards down, hence anything can pass through and cause these symptoms.
These factors may not be stressful during higher energy states, with reduced or no brain inflammation, with increased threshold potential of the brain.
Update 26th of February
I have suffered even worse brain inflammatory states, with migraine fever, severe vertigo or migraleptic states of the brain. Increased fatigue and also electicity in my legs.
Tonight between midnight and one o'clock.
I was lying in my bed, trying to calm my brain down by thinking about very non stimulating things like numbers, letters.
Then for some reason I started thinking about the word "meaningless" in a calm, not upsetting way. And I noticed significant vaginal discharge right away. This repeated itself many times. No images in my head except for the word "meaningless" with no emotions, no anger, no excitement, no grief, nothing. As I repeated this, there was increased discharge every time, as well as sensations around this area like tics or electricity and irritation. It just spread as I continued this. The whole situation was in fact : meaningless.
So if this can happen even when there is no stimuli, even the lights were off, it is self evident that it also happens with various forms of stimuli. It feels like bleedings when you go through menstruation, minus the blood.
March 6th
Same happened after having been through intense negative stress after spiritual attacks handling several messages that tried to make me feel hopeless and lost.