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Mitochondrial illness

Oppdatert: 14. apr. 2023

Inherited energy metabolism dysfunction, most probably mitochondrial dysfunction

Compromised health since birth (inherited energy dysfunction and probably a milder, episodic and somewhat progressive mito disease).


While I have been diagnosed with ME/CFS, I believe based on my medical history that it is Mitochondrial disease. Both are multisystem illnesses and both believed to be rooted in primarily mitochondrial dysfunction by many or at least some type of energy dysfunction since symptoms increase and reduce all the time depending on their current energy level and both can be characterized with episodic crisis with partial recovery (some patients with ME might be able to get almost fully recovered after some years). I will link a few articles where particularly the brain and heart is mostly affected in ME. I have recently posted some articles explaining Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy and Mitochondrial cardiomyopathy in Mitochondrial disease and MELAS (a type of Mitochondrial disease). So you can see how very similar the two is, particularly adult onset mitochondrial disease. But like I said even though they seem almost indentical, I firmly believe that it is Mitochondrial disease (milder type since birth, partially progressive with episodic crisis with partial recovery). I have written many many pages and posted many posts and linked to many articles etc about this the last years. I have also said how several organs are affected in my case: The brain, heart, muscles, endocrine organs, digestive system, eyes, skin and to some degree lungs especially in more severe periods. And symptoms and severity depends on my current energy level/capacity and how well I manage to stay within my present energy envelope and or exposure to various stressors like viruses etc, which has been low to severely low the last about 15 years or so. And more moderate and milder before that with some more severely affected periods. Since I have never had normal stamina or health, I do not see how I could ever recover my mitochondria a hundred percent and have normal stamina and health when I have never experienced this in my life, I have explained how there seem to be obvious mito dysfunction on both sides (both families) which is why this is in part at least genetic. I have written briefly about my medical history earlier.

Sidenote: Also Lupus, also a multisystem illness, with flares and better periods and often get worse after bouts of various stressors, are recognized as autoimmune disorders (also suspected in ME/CFS), BUT also believed to be rooted in Mitochondrial dysfunction. " autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Sjogrens syndrome, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis appear to have a mitochondrial basis to illness."

But here are a few articles linking ME/CFS with Encephalomyelitis or Neuro inflammation:

The Neuroinflammatory Etiopathology of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

...and ME/CFS with Cardiomyopathy and other Heart abnormalities::

" In CFS the heart failure is caused by poor muscle function and therefore strictly speaking is a cardiomyopathy. This means the function of the heart will be very abnormal, but traditional tests of heart failure, such as ECG, ECHOs, angiograms etc, will be normal. Thanks to work by Dr Arnold Peckerman ( see here ) we now know that cardiac output in CFS patients is impaired. Furthermore the level of impairment correlates very closely to the level of disability in patients. Dr Peckerman was asked by the US National Institutes of Health to develop a test for CFS in order to help them to judge the level of disability in patients claiming Social Security benefits. Peckerman is a cardiologist and on the basis that CFS patients suffer low blood pressure, low blood volume and perfusion defects, he surmised CFS patients were in heart failure To test this he came up with Q scores. "Q" stands for cardiac output in litres per minute and this can be measured using a totally non-invasive method called Impedence Cardiography. This allows one to accurately measure cardiac output by measuring the electrical impedence across the chest wall. The greater the blood flow the less the impedance. This can be adjusted according to chest and body size to produce a reliable measurement (this is done using a standard algorithm). It is important to do this test when supine and again in the upright position. This is because cardiac output in healthy people will vary from 7 litres per min when lying down to 5 litres per min when standing. In healthy people this drop is not enough to affect function. But in CFS sufferers the drop may be from 5 litres lying down to 3.5 litres standing up. At this level the sufferer has a cardiac output which causes borderline organ failure. There are further papers concerning Cardiovascular/Circulatory Research and CFS/ME at This explains why CFS patients feel much better lying down. They have acceptable cardiac output lying down, but standing up they are in borderline heart and organ failure. CFS is therefore the symptom which prevents the patient developing complete heart failure. "

Dr. Sarah Myhill

"Types of Heart Abnormalities One foundational study conducted in 2006 reported that persons with ME/CFS who died of heart failure did so at a mean age of 58.7 years compared to 83.7 years for those without ME/CFS. While no one can know for sure which factors may have contributed to this result, studies like this have long suggested that ME/CFS is inherently linked to insufficient heart function.

And the abnormalities don't stop there. Other investigators have noted similar high rates of heart irregularities, including:

a lack of nocturnal heart rate variability (meaning the heart fails to slow as expected during sleep) a small left ventricle (the chamber of the heart that pumps blood to the rest of the body) postural tachycardia (a condition where the heart rate speed up, often unevenly, when a person rises) short QT interval (a genetic disorder which affects the electrical system of the heart and causes palpitations or sudden loss of consciousness) abnormally low blood volumes These irregularities may, in fact, explain some of the key symptoms of ME/CFS. "

"Low Heart Rate Variability A study conducted in 2011 looked into sleep patterns in people with ME/CFS in order to better understand why unrefreshing sleep is commonly reported in this group. What they found, surprisingly, was that people with ME/CFS had little variation in their heart rate from day to night, a condition known as low heart rate variability (HRV).

To understand this, if you feel your pulse and then breathe in and out slowly, you'll notice that your heart rate changes slightly, speeding up when you breathe in and slowing down when you breathe out. That's heart rate variability.

A low nocturnal HRV suggests that there's a problem with the nerve signals that regulate the pacemaker of the heart (called the sinus node). This is in line with thinking that ME/CFS may be caused, at least in part, by flaws in a person's autonomic nervous system (the system which regulates involuntary functions such as breathing, digestion, and heart rate).

Small Left Ventricle A 2011 study found that some people with ME/CFS have a smaller left ventricle, the chamber of the heart responsible for pumping blood to the rest of the body. As a result of this, persons will invariably experience symptoms of what is called orthostatic intolerance (OI).

Normally, when we get up from a seated or lying position, our blood pressure will rise briefly to counter gravity and keep the blood flowing to the brain. With OI, this doesn't happen, and a person will end up feeling dizzy or fainting whenever he or she rises. This physiological anomaly could explain why minimal exertion tends to wear out a person with ME/CFS more than others.

Postural Tachycardia Postural tachycardia is similar to OI except that it involves the pulse rate rather than the blood pressure. Tachycardia is the medical term for an abnormally rapid heart rate. Postural tachycardia simply means your heart rate speeds up abnormally whenever you rise, resulting in dizziness or even fainting.

Postural tachycardia is commonly seen in people with ME/CFS, running at three times the rate of the general population.

Short QT Interval A QT interval is a term used to describe the space between certain up-and-down beats on an electrocardiogram (ECG) ​readout. A short QT interval means that your heart is beating normally but has less chance to recover after a heartbeat. A short QT interval is typically considered a genetic disorder and is associated with the increased risk of sudden cardiac death. While rare in the general population, a short QT interval is frequently seen in persons with ME/CFS.

Abnormally Low Blood Volume Two studies conducted in 2009 and 2010 reported that persons with ME/CFS had lower blood volumes than the general population. Moreover, the severity of ME/CFS directly corresponded with a decrease in blood volume, meaning those who were less able to function had far less blood than those who were. Many scientists now believe that low blood volume contributes to many of the symptoms of ME/CFS simply by depriving cells of the oxygen needed to produce energy."


"Mitochondrial diseases are het­er­ogeneous and multifaceted, and can present at any age. Clinical features may range from an acute life-threatening metabolic derangement to INTERMITTENT OR EPISODIC CRISES WITH PARTIAL RECOVERY to a more gradual progressive neuro­developmental decline or regression. Organ involvement may be isolated but often evolves into multi­system disease." Multisystem means that several organs are affected rather than just one i.e isolated).

Speaking for myself the brain, heart, muscles to some degree all depending on the current severity. Digestive organs, endocrine organs, adrenals, skeleton, eyes also seem to be affected, lungs particularly in relapses. Again symptom severity depend on the current severity of mito dysfunction and how well one manage to stay within the present energy envelope (this energy envelope will vary from a period in a relapse from mild to severe and a period after partial recovery). The illness is more or less also progressive, but it depends on how well you manage to stay within your energy envelope and make use of healing remedies and avoiding harmful stressors of all types. And to some degree medication if needed when natural remedies is not sufficient. To be used only when necessery.

"The disease (Mitochondrial disease) may manifest for the first time in adulthood or MAY BE FIRST RECOGNIZED IN ADULTHOOD AFTER A HISTORY OF SYMPTOMS DATING BACK TO CHILDHOOD. "

"The unique character of mitochondrial genetics means family history patterns of inheritance may be both maternal and autosomal"

Autosomal means; "Autosomal DNA is a term used in genetic genealogy to describe DNA which is inherited from the autosomal chromosomes. An autosome is any of the numbered chromosomes, as opposed to the sex chromosomes. Humans have 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes (the X chromosome and the Y chromosome). " Meaning it is not bound to the X-chromosome and it is not bound to one gender (like maternal DNA).

"Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) is one of the family of mitochondrial cytopathies, which also include MERRF, and Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. It was first characterized under this name in 1984.[1] A feature of these diseases is that they are caused by defects in the mitochondrial genome which is inherited purely from the female parent.[2] However, it is important to know that some of the proteins essential to normal mitochondrial function are produced by the nuclear genome, and are subsequently transported to the mitochondria for use. As such, mutations in these proteins can result in mitochondrial disorders, BUT CAN BE INHERITED FROM BOTH MALE AND FEMALE PARENT IN THE TYPICAL FASHION. The disease can manifest in both sexes."

"Signs and symptoms MELAS is a condition that affects many of the body's systems, particularly the brain and nervous system (encephalo-) and muscles (myopathy). In most cases, the signs and symptoms of this disorder appear in childhood following a period of normal development.[3] Early symptoms may include muscle weakness and pain, recurrent headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, and seizures. Most affected individuals experience stroke-like episodes beginning before age 40. These episodes often involve temporary muscle weakness on one side of the body (hemiparesis), altered consciousness, vision abnormalities, seizures, and severe headaches resembling migraines.

Most people with MELAS have a buildup of lactic acid in their bodies, a condition called lactic acidosis. Increased acidity in the blood can lead to vomiting, abdominal pain, extreme tiredness (fatigue), muscle weakness, loss of bowel control, and difficulty breathing. Less commonly, people with MELAS may experience involuntary muscle spasms (myoclonus), impaired muscle coordination (ataxia), hearing loss, heart and kidney problems, diabetes, epilepsy, and hormonal imbalances."



I recall symptoms as a young child. Very frequent throat infections and frequent muscle and skeletal pain in my legs which could get quite severe in intensity many times, that was sometimes triggered by overextending my limits. It could be in gym class, it could be after an evening on a class party after dancing. I remember my dad had to massage my legs oftentimes. In addition to these acute pains, I also had painful stiffness and aches in my muscles the days following gym classes for instance. I frequently also felt weak in my legs when playing handball for instance. I also recall frequent abdominal pain as a kid and a reaction to milk, that made me quit drinking it at one point. But also abdominal pain and other gastrointestinal conditions in general which has been the case most of my life no matter diet and including now after eating plantbased for almost 6 months and no meat since last year. Same was true when I was a vegetarian for 5 years since January 2008. But also when eating meat, fish and dairy. I recall trong tinnitus as far back as a small child (especially when retiring for the evening). I also had a stuffed nose very frequently (almost chronically). Was frequently ill with a low immune system. I also had difficulty falling asleep for as long as I can remember. And then when I got the period around 13 years of age, I developed PCOS. (that I did not find out until many years later). Also mild skeletal deformities in neck and spine -Scholiosis. And borderline Diabetes type 2 measured at the dorctors office around the age of 19 despite a normal weight. Ongoing Irritable bowel syndrome which is also common among close relatives, both parents. Blood pressure (mostly too low) and blood sugar problems. Difficulty concentrating since a child, in school and later and difficulty retaining and recalling what I read, particularly history and also fictional stories. I recall having huge problems concentrating in 4th grade (age 10) when my teacher read fictional stories in particular.

There are INHERITED "weaknesses" on both sides (parents) that seems to be clearly linked to mitochondrial dysfunction. For instance my dad suffered with migraines for 20 years + and got much better after he stopped working. But his migraines have been different than mine as he have not suffered with vestibular migraines with dizzyness and vertigo and not as chronic and severe. He has also had insomnia and difficulty sleeping and has been on sleep medications for about the last 15 years or so. Overexertion can still provoke sinus migraines and he has also blood pressure problemes and his brother has had heart arrythmia.

My mother had to stop working many years before retirement age, because of symptoms similar to CFS. In addition a few of her siblings has displayed similar symptoms, her sister in particular who was suspected of having CFS as she often got fatigued and experienced a longer period with severe fatigue lasting for about half a year where she slept much of the time. My uncle on my mothers side has also had a reputation where he falls asleep in the middle of family gatherings. YET on my mothers side they do not seem to go to the left that mean they do not go gradually toward more and more excitatory neurotoxic state and increased seizure activity in the brain and I have not heard anyone on that side suffering with chronic migraines, so it seems to be a form of fatigue or chronic fatigue without insomnia and migraine and they in stead seem to go toward sleep as they manage to fall asleep easily both evening and day when needed (instead of moving gradually towards more and more neurotoxicity and toward migraines, migraleptic states and seizure/epilepsy which is the case for me and why i need sleep medication and migraine medication while they do not and have no problem with insomnia or the like).and the brain moving toward the right, toward relaxation and sleep or drowsiness vs left and increased excitatory neurotoxic state with moderate to severe reaction to stimuli like light, sound, movement etc. But there is a history of dizzyness and anemia on that side, but this is not to be confused with dizzyness and vertigo caused by brain inflammation and conditins such as vestibular migraines. My aunt on my father's side has also suffered with migraines and low blood pressure for many many years. My grandmother also died of cancer in her uteros I believe it was when she was rather young. There are also heart problems and cancer and seizures on my fathers side inlcuding grandparents and aunts and uncles. But none I know of have had severe chronic fatgue or severe mitochondrial disease, but milder forms.

So the "weakness" is in my case inherited, which means a low tolerance to all types of stress. Development of PCOS in young age with periods as seldom as 2 times a year. It is only in the last 7-8 years I have had normal menstruation (I suspect it has to do with a lower activity level that allow my body to have enough energy to take care of the monthly female hormonal cycle. Later in life I developed a more clear pattern and symptoms of ME, after very stressful events like a harsh flu or overexertion. Keep in mind when I say "stessful" it could be a virus infection or lack of sleep. Going from mild to moderate to severe. And then in latter years up to moderate again. I'm quite certain of this. I had a rather low energy force (mild mitochondria dysfunction) since birth that prgressed later in life.

-------(Yet another indication that Mitochondrial dysfunction (triggered by various stressors) are the root cause of ME/CFS.Research shows that women who suffer with PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) are at great risk of developing ME/CFS later in life. "mitochondrial dysfunction may be a central cause of insulin resistance (in PCOS) and associated complications"

<a></a>Mitochondrial dysfucntion (energy dysfynction), reduced vital/life force triggered by various stressors could very well be the root cause of both dirsorders, where PCOS patients often develops ME/CFS and or hypothyroidism later in life."Even autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Sjogrens syndrome, *lupus* and rheumatoid arthritis appear to have a mitochondrial basis to illness." -ME/CFS is also suspected of being autoimmune and having mitochondrial dysfunction triggered by various stressors as a root cause.

A milder degree of Mito disease since birth that gets more severe later in life and had very frequent throat infections, abdominal pain, tinnitus daily I recall since I was a little child and had problem falling asleep at night, squinting in daylight (light sensitivity) as I had milder photosensitivity, muscle pain and skeletal pain similar to some types of pain (I experience several types as described in 2017) I have still at this age sometimes after little exercise, and developed PCOS, which is very often in the history of those females developing ME/CFS or those born with milder mitchondrial dysfunction that gets worse later in life and worse in periods and after activity depending on their current severity of mitochondiral dysfunction as it can partially heal to some extent in periods after rest and restitution and other healing factors.-------

Various stressors in life that also have contributed in addition to genetics

In addition to some life crisis like the divorce of my parents around the age of 11-12 at a time when divorces were rare and also losing two pets ( cat before the divorce and a dear dog a few years later which also contributed to weaken the life force somewhat). There have also been more traumatic events later in life and particularly a few years after I had been through the most severe stages of my illness. All these things I had to learn how to handle on top of my illness and these stressors increased in nature the last 5 years. (But despite this I managed to improve in general with the worst period of my illness at around 30 years). And the most traumatic experiences happened after this. So in periods I had to become almost like a robot in order to survive andin periods even improve and manage situations that should be almost impossible to get through at least with this health situation.

In addition I also battled many viruses and bacterial infections both as a child, teen and adult which also contributed to weaken my health and mitochondrial force.

Study and overwork I have mentioned before how hard study (for me who had a difficult time concentrating and had to read material many times over and over even if it was only a smaller chapter as it has always been difficult to remember things I read) especially before tests and in addition I very often sat with my books reading or doing other type of homework without taking pauses until I felt finished. I even sat with my books many time at the dinner table. I recall very well how very stressed my body felt when I was reading for a test especially when we were starting to get grades in 7th grade. I put a lot of time and work into school and trying my best to get good grades from 7th grade until the age of around 23 with my cognitive difficulties that means i had to use a lot more time and effort to achieve those grades. I also had the same attitide when I worked, but every time I got very exhausted and sick after some time. One week work, then one week off and the week we had off I was totally exhasted and could do little but rest and recover until the next work week. This was at the age of 21-22. And it progressed even more since this. Studied some more and then it was Allservice where I functioned much better the first weeks and then my health got worse and worse with increased exhaustion and the first severe blood sugar attacks when driving home from work and I had to open all the windows in the car even when it was late September as I had strong hot flashes and severe hunger and had to get home asap to eat dinner before feeling exhausted all the rest of the day/evening annd having to rest and recover until the next day. But it did not last long before my health protested in every way and I had to quit. Then when I got a part time job as a graphic designer some years later I also pushed myself very hard and often without pauses. Also here I felt better and functioned better in the beginning until gradually my energy dropped more and more and I got not only exhausted, but experienced more severe symptoms including fevers, sweating, symptoms of the heart, feeling faint, sick and very exhausted. I had also at this time experienced periods where I was too exhausted to hold a glass of water and even a paper as my muscles were too fatigued. And my illness where as I said I noticed obvious symptoms since a young child and a toddler (I have described this earlier) and also chronic fatigue and migraine that gets worse from overactivity inherited from both parents got worse and worse. In addition my immune system was low and I was sick quite often with colds and flus. My insomnia sine a child also increased as my health declined. This should be read next to all the other things I have written in regard to my illness since a child.


Ellen G. White on low vital force (energy dysfunction) "In the school-room, the foundation has been too surely laid for diseases of various kinds. But, more especially, that most delicate of all organs, the BRAIN HAS OFTEN BEEN PERMANENTLY INJURED BY TOO GREAT EXERCISE. This has often CAUSED INFLAMMATION , THEN DROPSY (EDEMA) AND CONVULSIONS (think excitatory neurotoxicity/brain inflammation that increase in seizure activity as energy drops), with their dreaded results. And the lives of many have been thus sacrificed by ambitious mothers. Of those children who have apparently had sufficient force of constitution to survive this treatment, there are very MANY WHO CARRY THE EFFECT THOUGH LIFE. THE NERVOUS ENERGY OF THE BRAIN BECOMES SO WEAKENED THAT AFTER THEY COME TO MATURITY IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM TO ENDURE MUCH MENTAL EXERCISE. THE FORCE (LIFE FORSE/ENERGY/MITOCHONDRIA OF THE BRAIN) OF SOME OF THE DELICATE ORGANS OF THE BRAIN SEEMS TO BE EXPENDED."

A solemn appeal P 235. "If we carefully PRESERVE THE LIFE FORCE AND KEEP THE DELICATE MECHANISM OF THE BODY IN ORDER (However mitochondrial dysfunction will also automatically affect organs and particularly the delicate and most energy demanding organs like the brain and heart, muscles, endocrine organs,digestive organs and lungs and so on), the result is health." THE MINISTRY OF HEALING, PAGE 235 LACK OF LIFE FORCE /VITAL FORCE/ CONSTITUTIONAL FORCE = MITOCHONDRIAL/ENERGY DYSFUNCTION = ILLNESS The lower the life/vital force (battery), the worse the organs will be attacked and more so the energy demanding organs. The lower the energy, the more sensitive and fragile the organs and system becomes. "If we carefully PRESERVE THE LIFE FORCE AND KEEP THE DELICATE MECHANISM OF THE BODY IN ORDER (However mitochondrial dysfunction will automatically affect organs and particularly the delicate and most energy demanding organs like the brain and heart, muscles, endocrine organs,digestive organs and lungs and so on), the result is health." THE MINISTRY OF HEALING, PAGE 235

Here is a quote from the Ellen G. White on how an organic cause (toxins in form of impurities in the air and lack of fresh invigorating air, can cause neuropsychiatric symptoms like gloominess, depression and also nervousness. Again because it leads to an increased inflammatory brain. Neuroinflammation and excitotoxicity.

"The effects produced by living in close, ill-ventilated rooms are these: The system becomes weakened, the circulation is depressed, the blood moves sluggishly through the system, because it is not purified and vitalized by the pure, invigorating air of heaven. The mind becomes depressed and gloomy, while the whole system is enervated. —Testimonies for the Church 1:702, 703. The same will be true for any other type of stressor that causes the very same: inflammation of the system and inflammation of the brain (neuroinflammation). When there is a significant loss of vital force (energy dysfunction) it will attack especially the most energy demanding organs like the brain, causing an inflammatory state, which can cause these symtoms. Again read all the various types of stressors and how they will all lessen the vital force (mitochondrial function) leading to a host of various symptoms, as it will attack especially the most energy demanding organs, like the brain, heart, muscles, lungs, skin. eyes, endocrine organs and digestive organs, lungs, kidneys, liver etc. Again, temporarily, until recovery. (Battery partially charged) There is not one or two causes, but many different types of negative stressors in addition to (in some cases) genetic mitochondrial dysfunction where they are born with a significant lower mitochondrial function. (Constitutional force/vital force) than most even their own gender.

"God has endowed us with a certain amount of VITAL FORCE. He has also formed us with organs suited to maintain the various functions of life, and He designs that these organs shall work together in harmony. If we carefully preserve the life force, and keep the delicate mechanism of the body in order, the result is health; but IF THE VITAL FORCE (ENERGY/MITOCHONDRIAL FORCE) IS TOO RAPIDLY EXHAUSTED the nervous system borrows power for present use from its resources of strength, and when one organ is injured, all are affected. Nature bears abuse as long as she can without resisting, then she arouses, and makes a mighty effort to rid herself of the incumbrances and evil treatment she has suffered. Then come HEADACHE, FEVERS, CHILLS, NERVOUSNESS, PARALYSIS AND OTHER EVILS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. —Ministry of healing Another such an example of a type of stressor (toxin) that will LESSEN THE VITAL FORCE (mito function): "Those who acquire and indulge the unnatural appetite for tobacco, do this at the expense of health. They are destroying nervous energy, lessening VITAL FORCE, and sacrificing MENTAL STRENGTH." TEMPERANCE, PAGE 64 "Some make themselves SICK BY OVERWORK. For these, rest, freedom from care, and a spare diet, are essential to restoration of health. To those who are BRAIN WEARY AND NERVOUS BECAUSE OF CONTINUAL LABOR AND CLOSE CONFINEMENT, a visit to the country, where they can live a simple, carefree life, coming in close contact with the things of nature, will be most helpful." -THE MINISTRY OF HEALING, PAGE 237 "I saw that it was THIS EXTRA LABOR WHEN THE SYSTEM WAS EXHAUSTED, that consumed the life of dear Brother Sperry and brought him prematurely to the grave. Had he worked with reference to health he might have lived to labor until the present time. It was, ALSO THIS EXTRA LABOR THAT EXHAUSTED THE LIFE FORCE OF OUR DEAR BROTHER CRANSON and caused his life of usefulness to be extinguished. Much singing, as well as protracted praying and talking, is extremely wearing." - Also note that this is a council for healthy individuals, how much more then for people with chronic illnesses with moderate to severe energy dysfunction? There are different expectations and treatments for those who are healthy and well, and those who are moderately to severely chronically ill. Any sane person should understand without blinking that you treat and expect different things from people based on their CURRENT health and strength. Different councils and expectations for different health and strength and illnesses. TESTIMONIES FOR THE CHURCH, VOL. 2, PAGE 117 "FOR THEIR ENERGIES ARE EXHAUSTED AND THEY LABOR ON NERVOUS EXCITEMENT. They may not realize any immediate injury, but they are surely UNDERMINING THEIR CONSTITUTION" —Counsels on Health, 99. "Those who make great exertions to accomplish just so much work in a given time, and CONTINUE TO LABOR WHEN THEIR JUDGHMENT TELL THEM THEY SHOULD REST ARE NEVER GAINERS. THEY ARE LIVING ON BORROWED CAPITAL (RESERVE ENERGY). They are EXPENDING THE VITAL FORCE, which they will need at a future time. And when the energy they have so recklessly used is demanded, they fail for want of it. The PHYSICAL STRENGTH IS GONE, THE MENTAL POWERS FAIL. They realize that they have met with a loss, but do not know what it is. Their time of need has come, but their PHYSICAL RESOURCES ARE EXHAUSTED. " CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE AND BIBLE HYGIENE, PAGE 65 Connection between inflammation of the brain (a migraine is an inflammation of the brain) , convulsions and neuronal excitability from the Spirit Of Prophecy:" A SOLEMN APPEAL, PAGE 132 But, more especially, that most delicate of all organs, the brain, has often been permanently injured by too great exercise. This has often caused inflammation, then dropsy of the head, and convulsions, with their dreaded results." "...will cool the fevered brain and soothe the excited nerves (excited nerves = neurological nervousness/excitatory neurotoxic state" The Review and Herald September 22, 1885 paragraph 17 (Ellen G. White) * But in the debilitated and excitable state of his nervous system during his illness*, these special developments, which had been a blessing to him in health, were painfully excitable, and a hindrance to his recovery.”

"Some make themselves sick by overwork. For these, rest, freedom from care, and a spare diet are essential to restoration of health. To those who are brain weary and nervous because of continual work and close confinement, a visit to the country, where they can live a simple, carefree life, coming in close contact with the things of nature, will be most helpful. Taking walks through the fields and woods, picking flowers, listening to the songs of the birds will do far more than any other agency toward their recovery."


Notice also here what factors that caused brain weariness and physical nervousness: two physical/organic factors, according to Ellen G. White: 1. continual work 2. close confinement

-Just two examples out of many various types of stressors (physical, environmental, chemical, mental types). LACK OF LIFE FORCE /VITAL FORCE/ CONSTITUTIONAL FORCE = MITOCHONDRIAL/ENERGY DYSFUNCTION = ILLNESS The lower the life/vital force (battery), the worse the organs will be attacked and more so the energy demanding organs. The lower the energy, the more sensitive and fragile the organs and system becomes. Causes for illness could be: 1. Genetics (Many suffer in consequence of the transgression of their parents. While they are not responsible for what their parents have done.. ..” MOH p234) (transgressions of health laws of ancestors. The Bible also speak of inherited illness for generations. The word of God also says all creation is more or less cursed by the transgression of our first parents. One such example is the monthly period which makes women more or less sick. The less vital force one has, the more severe symptoms you will get.) . 2. AND/OR various stressors due to own transgression, others transgression, natural wear and tear (age) and sometimes accidents (physical, chemical, environmental and mental types). A woman's menstruaul period, that make women sick one week every 4 weeks, in addition to losing blood which often lead to anemia.3. More conincidental causes like tics, virus, bacteria, mold, spider or snake bites etc. Some can be prevented to a point, while others is very difficult to impossible to prevent.

As in the case of MULTISYSTEM DISORDERS LIKE MITOCHONDRIAL DISEASE, IT CAN AFFECT EVERYTHING. When energy dysfunction (like mitochondrial dysfunction) is more profound, excitatory neurotoxic state is also higher and threshold potential of the brain lower. Which means increased sensitivity the more profound the energy dysfunction. And also when energy drops when mito dysfunction is present. (Since mitochondria and also many other causes for energy dysfunction can partially heal in time, how much stimuli and stressors one manage will vary from period to period. So the brain will react to everything when energy dysfunction is particularly low, to all types of stimuli and stressors as I have explained many times. Increased sensitivity not only for the brain, but also digestive system, skin, immune system etc. More energy dysfunction, more (temporarily at least until recovery) reduced function of the organs and system.

LOOK UP VITAL FORCE, LIFE FORCE OR CONSTITUTION OR CONSTITUTIONAL FORCE IN ELLEN WHITE\S WRITINGS AND YOU WILL SEE HOW OFTEN SHE REFERS TO THE WEARING AWAY OF THE LIFE/VITAL FORCES (ENERGY CAPACITY/MITOCHONDRIAL FORCE) DUE TO BOTH GENETICS (SINS OF FOREFATHERS); OWN TRESPASSES AND OTHERS TRESPASSES/VIOLATIONS OF HEALTH LAWS AND SOMETIMES ACCIDENTS LIKE EXPOSURE TO MOLD; VIRUSES; TICS ETC. And how the first parents had more than 20 times more energy capacity/mitochondrial function/vital force/life force/constitution than a healthy man today and thus the reason why we have not exterminated ourselves yet, as more and more disease and less energy function (more and more mitochondrial dysfunction) over thousands of years. This is seen most profoundly and directly in those born with severe mito disease, but also those with milder versions and multisystem diseases rooted mainly in mitochondrial dysfunction. But also other energy dysfunctions, and simple wear and tear temporary medical states. I have posted many different quotes about this from the SOP over the years. While I have posted many different quotes regarding this on how overwork/overactivity, impurities in the air (air pollution and lack of fresh air and ventilation in the room), lack of rest/sleep, too much study especially for children and young students, poor diet, exposure to cold, exposure to mold etc, excessive grief can all weaken the life force (mitochondrial/energy function). This causes various types of illnesses, conditions and ailments in various organs. While I have said that negative thoughts can also be a negative stressor that also will weaken life forces, I have also said that other types of stressors can do the same, and how organic causes can cause neurological and neuropsychiatric symptoms Because they *can* be symptoms of brain inflammation. See quote a few post up that explains how mitochondrial dysfunction cause an excitatory neurotoxic state, and also lower neurotransmitters in the brain. I emphasized *can*, since this only happens occasionally.

Medical science on mitochondrial disease and dysfunction: “MITOCHONDRIAL DISEASE are het-er-ogeneous and multifaceted, and can present at any age. Clinical features may range from an acute life-threatening metabolic derangement to intermittent or EPISODIC CRISIS WITH PARTIAL RECOVERY (OF MITOCHONDRIA - say they go from a stage 3 with 75 percent damage of mitochondria in longer periods to a milder state (say stage 2 or 1.1,5 between 30-50 percent damage of mitochondria -see chart above). Or it might present as a more gradual progressive neuro-developmental decline or regression."

"MITOCHONDRIAL PATIENTS ARE NOT ALWAYS WEAK AND TIRED. Patients might be able to MUSTER ADEQUATE ENERGY FOR PERIODS OF TIME, BUT IT IS USUALLY SHORT LIVED AND THEY TIRE QUICKLY not unlike a battery that discharges too rapidly. Affected children fatigue easily on the playground relative to their peers and siblings, and may tend to drift toward more sedentary activities. A period of rest or sleep is generally required before energy levels are restored. FOLLOWING REST A PATIENT MAY DEMONSTRATE APPARANTLY NORMAL STAMINA and a clinician will not detect weakness on examination (which differentiates many of these patients from those with primary muscular dystrophies)."

"Physicians usually think of the acute life threatening form of Mitochondrial disease, not the milder, episodic form with partial recovery. Nor the adult onset form."

"In school, children with mitochondrial disease often seem to work in “spurts” and then “peter out,” becoming lethargic and finding it difficult to concentrate. It is essential to understand that these periods of fatigue are not due to the child “zoning out,” but rather total exhaustion from deep within the cellular level of their existence. It ranges from intermittent difficulty thinking, remembering, moving and acting, to severe handicaps. Some results may be fatigue, muscle weakness and diabetes. And all this is overlaid by good and bad days caused by significant inconsistency-like the electricity flickering in different areas of a community. “

“Though the impression most have of mitochondrial disease is a disorder that presents itself at birth, it can appear at any age. For some it develops over time. We’re learning it’s not at all rare but, due to a lack of physician and public awareness, this disease is not often diagnosed."

“Diseases of the mitochondria appear to cause the most damage to cells of high energy demand such as the brain, heart, liver, skeletal muscles, kidneys, and the endocrine, gastrointestinal, and respiratory systems.”

"Physicians usually think of the acute life threatening form of Mitochondrial disease, not the milder, episodic form with partial recovery. Nor the adult onset form.

"Some individuals have an inherent mitochondrial vulnerability or problem with how their mitochondria work - and the symptoms accumulate over time. Since we have a thousand mitochondria in each cell and a trillion cells - we literally have a gazillion mitochondria. In mitochondrial disease, a person may have a certain percentage of a gazillion not working -> if it is a small percentage -> their symptoms may not begin until later in life or be 'milder.'" "The network of neurons throughout the body control thoughts, movement and all senses by sending and receiving thousands of neurotransmitters at communication points between the cells called synapses. "(...) "The production of neurotransmitters, its packaging and release, and the reception and removal of these chemicals all require energy." So in other words when there is an energy dysfunction or mitochondrial dysfunction, it will affect everything the neurons are responsible for, which will include "thoughts, movement and all senses" which include cognitive processes and also emotions. And when energy and energy dysfunction fluctuate to the extreme as seen in patients with particularly mitochondrial dysfunction with episodic crisis with partial recovery, function and dysfunction of the cells and more importantly neurons and affect neurotransmitters, and the symptoms that follows will vary dramatically not only from one period to another, but also hour by hour depending on the battery or energy capacity. Which will increase and decrease depending on healing or destroying/or energy sappers. This is very unlike a more steady progressive degenerative disease. The same pattern is also seen in patients with ME/CFS and a few other similar diseases rooted in an energy dysfunction. You will see symptoms vary to the extreme depending on their current energy level, and as I stated before it can and will affect basically everything the more the energy capacity is compromised and particularly the more delicate, energy demanding organs like the brain, eyes, heart. "Chronic fatigue illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, etc. (Also mitochondrial disease, mitochondrial myopathies etc) are DIRECTLY RELATED TO LOSS OF MITCHONDRIAL FUNCTION, which is MOSTLY TRUE FOR MANY OTHER DISEASES AS WELL, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders." -Garth Nicolson

"Mitochondrial defects are a central factor in human health and disease.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is at the core of a surprising range of very common illnesses and conditions, and a promising new avenue for their treatment. As the mitochondria are responsible for producing energy, any illness that has an energy problem could be related to the mitochondria"…/links-to-other-diseases/

"Loss of function in mitochondria, the key organelle responsible for cellular energy production, can result in the excess fatigue and other symptoms that are common complaints in almost every chronic disease....It is well known among researchers that mitochondrial genetic or primary mitochondrial disorders contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction and secondary or acquired degenerative disorders"

"Fatigue and Exercise Intolerance

"Mitochondrial diseases are het-er-ogeneous and multifaceted, and c

an present at any age. Clinical features may range from an acute life-threatening metabolic derangement to intermittent or episodic crises with partial recovery to a more gradual progressive neuro-developmental decline or regression."

(Again CFS is also linked to Mitochondria dysfunction as should be evident). The disease can be aggravated by stressors/toxins. Flare ups are common.

'PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome is actually listed as a symptom of Mitochondrial disease (as in the acknowledged organic disease of Mitochondria). Clearly my illness(es) have to do with Mitochondria dysfunction. The yellow highlight is where I checked my symptoms to the symptoms and associated illnesses related to Mitochondrial disease."

Same with Diabetes type 2 or blood sugar problems. I measured my blood sugar at the doctors office around 20 years of age and I was borderline diabetic and have had many blood sugar attacks since then. Both symptoms of high and low. I also recall symptoms of high blood sugar (not low) when I went to school as young as 8-9 years old (I did not know it at the time, but I recall the same symptoms and sensation for instance when I took this test and have felt it many times since then for instance if I eat foods with high glycemic index like white boiled white potatoes and carrots and sometimes certain fruits).

Keep also in mind how some including myself when we get exhausted do not normally feel drowsy and very tired in the normal sense of the word, rather we move toward increased excitatory neurotoxicity (brain inflammatory state). Also sometimes called "wired and tired/exhausted) where the brain moves toward increased seizure activity, with less and less toleration of stimuli like blinking lights, unsteady movement including on screens, photophobia and phonophobia (light and sound sensitivity from mild to extreme). How affected you are depends on the severity of the excitatory neurotoxic state, which again is affected by the severity of mitochondrial dysfunction and other factors, and also during the day after activity or a combination of various activities inlcluding cognitive activities. But again this is just a few of all the symptoms.

I explained it some years ago and compared it with a faulty cell phone or laptop battery that needs to be recharged all the time in order to function. The dysfunction is NOT just lack of energy and exhaustion, as I have decribed in detail before. It attacks and can affect organs like the brain (chronic migraines, "migralepsy" and/or MAV (migraine associated vertigo), epilepsy, dizziness and vertigo, seizures, stroke etc,), eyes (inflammation and vision problems), heart. (Blood pressure, some types of heart failure that can become more severe in relapses with more mitochondrial damage) , muscles (muscle fatigue and pain of various types from severe cramps to a more dull pain, muscle spasms and muscle tics), endocrine system (PCOS, blood sugar problems, insulin resistence, diabetes including type 2), digestive system (Irritable bowel syndrome almost regardless of diet, gastrointestinal problems), lungs (difficulty and heavy breathing, water in the lungs, fatigued and inflamed lungs etc), epidermis (skin problems like acne, rosacea, eczema etc) and more. These are symptoms and organs that have been affected in my case. It depends on the severity, although the severity will get drastically worse in relapses with more mitochondrial damage. Mitochondria can with rest and other healing factors partially recover, but never fully, at least if they had symptoms since they were young children, which is the case for me, but still not the severe type since birth as it progressed with episodic crisis/relapses from weeks to months to years).


"...mitochondrial dysfunction are implicated in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with insulin resistence."

One of my confirmed diagnosis with gynecological tests with periods about twice a year since my period started until the last 10 + years when it has been regular and normal with mostly 28 days cycle and period every single month. But again many obvious symptoms of mito dysfunction long before this, since early childhood.

Published in 2016: ". AS RECENT STUDIES HAVE REVEALED A POSITIVE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION AND PCOS, current investigations focus on mutations in the mitochondrial genome of patients with POCS. The present study reported a Chinese patient with PCOS. Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial genome showed the presence of homoplasmic ND5 T12338C and tRNASer (UCN) C7492T mutations as well as a set of polymorphisms belonging to the human mitochondrial haplogroup F2. The T12338C mutation is known to decrease the ND5 mRNA levels and to inhibit the processing of RNA precursors. The C7492T mutation, which occurred at the highly conserved nucleotide in the anticodon stem of the tRNASer (UCN) gene, is important for the tRNA steady‑state level as well as the aminoacylation ability. Therefore, the combination of the ND5 T12338C and tRNASer (UCN) C7492T mutations may lead to MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION, and is likely to be involved in the pathogenesis of PCOS. The present study provided novel insight into the molecular mechanisms of PCOS." And in the unlikely case it should not be mitochondrial dysfunction, it is no doubt an energy (metabolism) dysfunction. Everything suggests Mitochondrial disease (multisystem disorder caused by energy dysfunction) attacking several organs (even many organs since a child, but the severity and symptoms progressed later in life).

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