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Physical nervousness vs fear

Oppdatert: 15. feb. 2022

Anxiety or more precicely "Fear" and physical nervousness, is not quite the same. Think of the excitatory neurotoxic state of the latter where there is very low threshold potential in the brain, and can not withstand physically loud sounds, bright light, fast motion like flashing, on-screen pop-ups, scrolling on the screen, etc. in worse periods. When the brain is in this severely inflammatory state (remember inflamamtion can go from very mild, to very severe), one will also experience physical nervousness in which you can sometimes more easily feel scared in an emotional sense. Clinical depression can also be neurological and symptoms with physical causes such as an energy metabolism disease, that will then primarily attack the brain by increased dysfunction leading to encephalopathy (brain inflammation) which in turn may cause such symptoms. But neurological depression, as in neurological nervousness, may or may not influence emotions much. It depends on the severity, but also can be controlled to some degree by mental strategies. But like I said it depends on the severity, sometimes it can not be controlled. Say for instance when energy drop and encephalopathy increases, the threshold potential will likewise decrease and your brain will develop more and more seizure activity in the brain. The more inflamed and the more excitatory neurotoxic state, the less you will be able to control both physical stressors and emotional stressors. In this state you may also develop aversions for say strong lights, loud noises, social interaction because in this state the brain and body will not tolerate it. So the aversions is crucial in order to survive and not end up getting a more severe attack: like full blow seizures.Especially if the person does not understand what happens, they can sometimes develop phobias that may continue to some degree at least even when the brain inflammatory condition improves after healing factors. Many of these phobias or aversions, are strictly necessary for the current condition, but if they last a long time, and you start to improve, they can linger on, so you have to get gradually introduced to that which you had to avoid when suffering under severe brain inflammatory states. Problem is only that you can suddenly get another attack, and then you need to protect the brain again until properly healed. Because the brain is so sore and hence sensitive, especially after bouts of migraine attacks in a row, it will take a longer period of time for the brain tissue and cells to heal properly. Just like any other wound that would be torn over and over, before proper healing has occurred. So this is something you must learn to understand and learn to cope with over long period of time, with careful analysis and repeated experiences. This is why it is so necessary to understand all of this and how energy dysfunction influence your brain and other organs. So you will understand why you suddenly become more and more nervous and get a mav attack, if severe, after say you have eaten a normal dinner meal, when your energy capacity is very low, where the body suddenly need to use much energy simply to digest the food. Or after having mopped the floors etc, you will often notice the increased moving brain sensation which is increased migraine/seizure activity in the brain due to an energy failure. In some cases symptoms such as physical nervousness and neurological depression, that may or may not affect emotions much, may have mental stress contributing factors, other times symptoms of encephalopathy for physical causes only, other times it is a combination. In my case, it is primarily organic in cause, as explained and demonstrated over years. Lack of oxygen, lack of nutrition and vitamins, minerals, proteins, lack of oxygen, sunlight, infections, vaccines, etc. can also give such symptoms or worsen those other causes are genetic energy metabolism disorders and a host of other stress factors. This I have explained much more thoroughly elsewhere. A physical condition such as encephalopathy where one often has a neurologic type nervousness when severe, and increasing in strength only after an energy-intensive activity like digesting a larger meal, washing the house, making a larger dinner, painting some walls , taking a warm bath, exposure to cold when one has an energy dysfunction disorder, too little sleep and so on. Again all this depends on the current severity.

Your body will react with stress symptoms if your body undergo stress. ANY TYPE OF STRESS, whether organic/ physical, chemcial, environmental or mental type stress. When you are energy deficient, the body will almost always be in a state of stress, or very easily become in a state of stress, simply due to an increased demand of energy (the situation/ activity/ stimuli/ stressor demand more energy than the body currently have). The body will for instance react with say trembling/shaking and nervousness when exposed to cold and you start to shiver, or when having a low blood sugar attack, during or after very streneous exercise, due to sleep deprivation, lack of oxygen etc.

' So the same symptoms can arrive from both physical and mental stressors. This is not as notable for normal people, but very notable for those with energy metabolism disorders like mitochondrial disease for instance. IF it was ONLY mental stressors that aggravated symptoms, then it would probably be a mental disorder. But when your disease and symptoms are aggravated also by and predominantly by physical stressors (again depending on your current situation) and certainly when you on top of all have exercise intolerance in longer periods, and have shown all of this without any shadow of a doubt, and it is clearly linked to increase and decrease of energy, and it even get worse with activities like digesting a fuller meal, then it is not even up for a debate any longer in my case at least. But with an energy metabolism disorder, affecting various organs WHEN energy is critically low (this is not a permanent state, but fluctuate like in every single individual. Only you notice it much better, because the starting point is lower than for an an dividual with a higher stamina = more life force. Which again mean that recovery time is much shorter and effective. When this lower state of energy affect the most energy demanding organ besides the eyes, namely the brain, it cause brain inflammation from mil to severe, which can include symptoms like physical nervousness and phsycial depression sometimes (whether just neurological/clinical with decrease of neurotransmitters like serotonin that may not affect the mood/emotions, as much as emotional depressions or depressions, that severely alters the emotion negatively. Energy dysfunction can cause a decrease in neurotransmitters and perhaps cause a neurological “depression” without it necessarily causing strong sadness/severe mental anguish. Although neurological states like neurological nervousness and neurological “depression”, will make the person more prone to develop emotional anxiety or emotional depression when they undergo mental challenges. The mental state can be affected also by organic causes, organic, chemical and enviromental stressors, causing more profound brain inflammation. But it is very possible to exist and have brain inflammation with neurological states without it affecting emotions that much. Although when severe enough, or at least with certain types and/or stages of severe migraines/migraleptic states, it will to some extent by default. I have managed for the most part not to sink into emotional depressions as in anguish of soul/severe sadness, even though neurotransmitters naturally will decrease due to energy dysfunction. Which can and will aggravate also when you do not feed you mitochondria properly, which include not only food, but also sunlight and oxygen. I also explained the excitatory neurotoxic state, as levels of nervousness from mild to severe, which can aggravate as said simply by a sudden energy demand, like digesting a larger meal (normal dinner meal) and other activities/stimuli/stressors.


"The network of neurons throughout the body control thoughts, movement and all senses by sending and receiving thousands of neurotransmitters at communication points between the cells called synapses. "(...)

"The production of neurotransmitters, its packaging and release, and the reception and removal of these chemicals ALL REQUIRE ENERGY."

So in other words when there is an energy dysfunction or mitochondrial dysfunction, it will affect everything the neurons are responsible for, which will include "thoughts, movement and all senses" which include cognitive processes and also emotions. And WHEN ENERGY AND ENERGY DYSFUNCTION FLUCTUATE TO THE EXTREME as seen in patients with particularly mitochondrial dysfunction with episodic crisis with partial recovery, function and dysfunction of the cells and more importantly neurons and affect neurotransmitters. THE SYMPTOMS THAT FOLLOW DUE TO INCREASED DYFUNCTION AND INFLAMMATION WILL VARY DRAMATICALLY, not only from one period to another, but also hour by hour, depending on the battery or energy capacity, which will increase and decrease depending on healing or destroying energy sappers. THIS IS VERY UNLIKE A VERY STEADY PROGRESSIVE NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES OR VERY LOCALIZED NEURODEGENERATIVE OR NEUROPSYCHRIATRIC ILLNESSES. The same pattern is also seen in many patients with ME/CFS and a few other similar diseases rooted in an energy dysfunction. You will see SYMPTOMS VARY TO THE EXTREME DEPENDING ON THEIR CURRENT ENERGY LEVEL OR SEVERITY OF MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION. And as I stated before it can and will affect basically everything the more the energy capacity is compromised, and particularly the more delicate, energy demanding organs like the brain, eyes, heart.

For instance when energy levels drop ( speaking particularly about patients with energy metabolism disorders), higher energy demanding organs like the brain will be attacked more aggressively, meaning less function, increased inflammation, higher sensitivity which means a lower threshold potential of the brain = an increased sensitivity to an already sensitive and hyperreactive brain. Since the brain demands so much enegy it is one of the first, if not the first organ, that will notice and be affected by energy dysfunction and lower energy. A normal person without an energy metabolism disorder or mitochondrial dysfunction will not be affected like this when energy drops, they will just become drowsy and sleepy and tired normally. If they ever experience the wired and tired feeling, it is usually mild and comes usually after more significant energy use and exposure to various types of stressors, but it is still very mild compared to a patient with more severe energy metabolism disorders. And they will get symptoms often by the smallest of activities especially when it comes to duration as they can mustard some energy and function apparantly normal for shorter periods of times before they go outside their energy envelope and develops not normal tiredness, but symptoms of the brain, muscles, heart etc, and often extreme exhaustion and need to rest and or recover and get treatment depending on symptoms. For instance if it caused a dramatic energy loss resulting in a more profound attack of the brain with say a severe excitatory neurotoxic state where they feel migraleptic or epileptic, they might need anti seizure medication at this point, It is when there is an apparant energy metabolism disorder where mitochondrial/energy dysfunction is present and the more severe, the more organs will be affected negatively. Other organs that are usually affected are muscles, the heart, endocrine system, digestive system and more. "Some make themselves sick by overwork. For these, rest, freedom from care, and a spare diet are essential to restoration of health. To those who are brain weary and nervous because of continual work and close confinement, a visit to the country, where they can live a simple, carefree life, coming in close contact with the things of nature, will be most helpful. Taking walks through the fields and woods, picking flowers, listening to the songs of the birds will do far more than any other agency toward their recovery."


Notice also here what factors that caused brain weariness and physical nervousness: two physical factors, according to Ellen G. White: 1. continual work 2. close confinement

-Just two examples out of many various types of stressors (physical, environmental, chemical, mental types).

Dr. Cheney describing patients during a severely ill neuroinflammatory period:

"In CFIDS, an ongoing injury to the brain shifts patients toward seizure. A dot to the left of the middle, marked “injury,” represents the position of CFIDS patients. This puts us in the red “Neurotoxic” zone. When we shift toward seizure, we often experience “sensory overload.” It’s as if our brain’s “radar” is too sensitive. Our neurons (nerve cells) are sensing stimuli and firing when they should not. This causes amplification of sensory input. Light, noise, motion and pain are all magnified. At the beginning of their illness, many patients report feeling exhausted, yet also strangely “wired.” The “wired” feeling is the slight shift towards seizure that occurs as a result of the excitatory neurotoxicity.

Cheney frequently uses the term “threshold potential” when discussing excitatory neurotoxicity. (Think of the threshold – bottom – of a doorway. The lower it is, the more accessible it is. When it is at floor level, everything can enter. When it is raised, access is restricted to taller people. If it is too high, no one can enter.) Threshold potential refers to how much stimulus it takes to make neurons fire. If the threshold potential is too low, even slight stimulation is “allowed to enter” and is detected by the neurons. This causes the neurons to fire, resulting in sensory overload. If the threshold is dropped to nothing, all stimuli get through and the neurons fire continuously, resulting in a seizure. If the threshold is raised, only stronger stimuli can make neurons fire. A healthy person’s threshold potential naturally rises at bedtime, promoting sleep. If the threshold potential is too high, you feel drugged or drowsy. If the threshold potential is raised extremely high, coma results.

Two receptors in the brain, NMDA and GABA, determine the threshold potential. During the waking hours of a healthy person, NMDA and GABA should be equally active. This balances the person in the middle of the seizure/coma continuum. NMDA stimulates, and GABA inhibits. If NMDA increases, one moves toward seizure. If GABA increases, one moves toward coma.

In CFIDS, NMDA is more activated than GABA, lowering the threshold potential. This causes neurons to fire with very little stimulation, resulting in sensory overload. This condition of excitatory neurotoxicity is dangerous. Dr. Cheney emphasizes that in an attempt to protect itself, the body will eventually kill neurons that fire excessively. He states that brain cell loss can result if this condition isn’t addressed.

How can the brain be protected against excitatory neurotoxicity? Klonopin. This long acting benzodiazepine has been Dr. Cheney’s most effective drug for CFIDS over the years. He believes that Klonopin and the supplement magnesium may be two of the most important treatments for CFIDS patients because of their neuroprotective qualities. He recommends two or more 0.5 mg tablets of Klonopin at night. Paradoxically, very small doses (usually a quarter to a half a tablet) in the morning and mid-afternoon improve cognitive function and energy. If the daytime dose is low enough, you’ll experience greater clarity and think better. If the daytime dose is too high, you’ll become drowsy. Adjust your dose for maximum benefit, taking as much as possible without drowsiness. Adjust the morning dose first, then take the same amount mid-afternoon if needed, then take three to four times the morning dose at bedtime. Dr. Cheney recommends doubling the dose during severe relapses."


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