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Setback on Saturday May 1st with some improvement from late July

Oppdatert: 21. aug. 2021

Warning: Do contain graphic images. Got a setback on Saturday May 1st. Plus measures that made me notice some improvement after 3-4 days.

Cause: I had pushed myself too hard painting the house outside, several hours a day for about 5 days. In addition, some longer discussions. Also got worse after I went for a walk on Saturday. Then I should have rested, due to such an intensive work session over several days in a row.

Symptoms: Strong vertigo, migraine, fatigue, strong palpitations without it calming down. As well as severe inflammation in the body, especially knees, calves, feet and legs. Feels like high blood pressure. Feverish.

I have not been able to walk much in 3-4 days. Felt a little better after sleep and rest the first few days. But on the 4th of May I did not notice any improvement. Tried some activity inside, planting, but did not notice any improvement. After a few hours, I noticed that I was only getting worse. Felt like increased poisoning throughout the body. Decided to try to go out as my legs seemed a little better than the days before. Noticed a little improvement when I got out into the fresh air. Managed to walk almost 1 km, even though it was heavy. Noticed positive effect of a little movement, especially the fresh air (noticed no improvement indoors, rather the opposite with activity without the fresh air). And that it helped as usual to get wind in the eyes, so I got some toxins out from the powerful migraine attack. The foggy vision also improved after this. This has occured too many times to count by now. Took a short break on a rock after about 500 m. The exhaustive state got worse, and I had increased heart rate. Rested about 20 min and noticed improvement. Felt better after combined a short walk, plus rest, compared to the state prior. Managed to travel out for a little while. Drank a lot as well as I felt very dehydrated. Felt a little better. Took a bath when I got home. The days after, my health declined again. After two weeks bedridden, I improved enough to be able to go for short walks and be able to perform work on my computer (graphic design). Started 10th of May. I got my period on the 8th of May. The menstruation this time was unusual tough with much pain and discomfort. It also lasted longer than usual. About 1 1/2 weeks. After the period was over, I got severe post menstrual migraines with vertigo, with additional inflammation in my body, particularly my legs. I also got significant worse after helping my father with some housekeeping May 15th. I exhausted my energy level to the point I could not perform any activity for at least a week.

So this year the triggers (stress factors that caused setbacks) were: 1. Overwork/overactivity (outdoor house painting for 5 days in a row) 2. The period/menstruation (Last year it was 1. A virus/bacteria (flu) 2. Menstruation/period 3. Overwork/overactivity)

Physical observations:

The first weeks the mucus had a green color + bloody.

Then it improved and was clearer for a short while.

  1. The ears and sinuses are clogged. Loud tinnitus. Feverish. Vertigo and migraine. Still inflammation and exhaustion of body.

  2. Picture of mucus today (22nd). Blood and a yellow color. Also more thicker, darker colored mucus in ears.

The day after the mucus had a similar color. After a few days it started to get a bit clearer. Since then the days have been very up and down. Some days I have started to notice improvement, but then I manage to ruin it by overspending my little energies as soon as I gain some, and I get a post exterional malaise the day/s after. It has been like this since. Today it is the 31st of May, and I have suffered a post exertional malaise and increased symptoms, after driving on a scooter for about 1,5 km and walking a few too many steps and have been 100 percent bedridden all day. I also got worse simply after preparing a meal on Friday, which involved baking and more work than simple dinner preparation. The sinus infection seems to have been quite reduced. Now it is symptoms like back and shoulder pain (particularly after driving that scooter--and not just general soreness), also migraines, severe fatigue, on and off fevers. Most of this health blod was written while I could barely look a few seconds at the screen. So pardon the poor writing and spelling errors. Since late July, I have managed to go for shorter to moderate length walks again. And also tolerated the screen better in general. There was no sign of improvement before this. So it took approximately 3 months before I slowly started to recover some energy and health. This seems to be the minimum (partial) recovery time for some improvement to take place, no matter what I try to do to speed things up, when I suffer more severe type of relapses. At worse, when I have failed in the past to perform the needed healing stretegies and therapies, it can take several years before improvement occur during such more profound types of setbacks. Menstruation August 15th -21: Before the menstruation started I felt pregnant, as if I was about to have a birth. The menstruation itself was very tough this time. Heavy bleeding for 7 days+, and the symptoms were very intense with pains, aches and strong discomfort from top to toe. Particularly bad migraines and vertigo, as well as bad cramps lasting several days in a row.

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