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State with and without gaba medication. Quitting gaba medication since June 2020. + Health update.

Oppdatert: 15. feb. 2022


-the first journal is a health journal from 2019. I have cut out all gaba medications since June 2020. You find the updated health journal at the end of the article.

Health journal, 2019 "During a bad relapse around the menstrual period in 2019: A new proof / clear example that I have not become addicted to medication, ie that you must have a higher dose eventually. I have had to use both Gaba medications during the day, migraine sprays and painkillers for a while. Usually I have the worst and most severe migraines with vertigo at the end and the first 3-4 days after the menstrual period is over. But today, as is often the case, I have managed completely without medication and still managed to walk 3 km, write and talk a good deal. Have felt completely the same today, completely without the use of any medication, as I did for example two days ago after taking both 1 pill (gaba) and migraine spray Yesterday. I managed with 1/2 pill and without migraine spray. While today no pills or sprays. But I function exactly the same, it's just that today I am a lot better and can do without, just like you take anti-inflammatories if you have a high fever. Gaba is said to be anti-inflammatory, and when the migraines are more powerful and the neuro-inflammation more powerful, I use these medications in combination. On a day like today, I do not need medication or anti-inflammatory medication for neuro-inflammation. Have you ever taken over the counter painkillers (like paracetamol) for high fever and / or very severe headaches? Did you function better afterwards? Did the anti-inflammatory reduce your inflammation and make you better? Probably. Otherwise, you would not have used anti-inflammatory meds for these conditions. Did you function better before or after WHEN you suffered from this? Afterwards. You did not get drunk, did not lose your mind or sense just because you took anti-inflammatory? No, you certainly did not. A few days later you work better / fine because the condition you had has improved and you do not need to take anti-inflammatory medication. But you know and notice that you did not lose any sense or reason just because you had to use anti-inflammatory medication on the days you had to use it. It's exactly the same with me and the days I use more or less medication for neuroinflammation vs the days I do not use medication.

2021 Since I wrote this I cut out all Gaba medications during awake hours since June 2020. Now I only use a mild sleeping pill to sleep, and on occassion Migraine spray. I have stayed this way since June 2020. Today it is late March 2021. So close to 11 months free. I have written most articles in 2020 and 2021 without any medication. At least no gaba medications. Primarily without any medications, not even painkillers. ----------------- Health journal , November 2019 Yesterday for instance I walked almost 8 kilometers when feeling stiff, steel, and sore in my muscles and with a cheerful spirit and a positive feeling. (chatted with Tom the entire time, for almost two hours straight), and did not stop until I developed more severe and burning inflammation in my legs that always have gotten increasingly worse and always caused a more severe, lomglasting relapse.

In addition I have proved, without a shadow of a doubt now, for many years and more so in the period from late 2017- mid 2019, that my illness is not mental, or else I would have ended up with a profound relapse and ended up with a severe case again, as I have been through the worst mental challenges and stress that I have ever experienced in my life. And I have experienced a lot, particularly since 2011. The last 1,5 years has been mental stress and mental challenges that has been so severe that I had never imagined anyone could go through. Far beyond the worst of nightmares. And it was full-blown mental stress, ongoing, all the time, both day and night for longer periods of time. And yet I did not get a severe relapse, even though it lasted for over a year and then started subsiding gradually.

Update 2021: I did get a severe relapse after a flu that lasted for a month in January 2020, lasting until August same year. Cause: the flu (virus) and then aggravated by 14 day bleedings (two periods) in one month not long after). So both organic stress factors causing the severe relapse. Stressors, (particularly overexertion amount for at least 90 percent of my setbacks) >increased energy dysfunction (increased mitochondrial dysfunction?) = energy exhaustion (very unlike normal tiredness or exhaustion) > increased symptoms and sickness , increased inflammation (particularly brain inflammation) > automatically lower neurotransmitters (affecting both the physical and the mental (again, this is an automatic process due to enrrgy (mitochondrial ?) dysfunction. When 90 percent of setbacks, shorter or longer, is caused by overexertion (using more energy than you have, which leads to post exertional malaise and a setback, again automatically and often without warning signs before it is too late, this should be more than evident by now.

Health journal, November 2019 Oftentimes still I have faith that I will not get a PEM this time, yet it happens anyway (and not just tiredness or feeling stiff and sore. Again I walked 8 kilometers , feeling cheerful I might add, despite feeling stiff and sore in thighs, legs, buttocks after jogging and walking two days straight before this. And I got surprisingly sick already the day after, again I did not anticipate or expect it as the strong inflammation I got in my legs after having walked 8 kilometers seemed to subside later in the evening (again when feeling stiff and sore in my muscles). ----------------------------------- Also what I write here about overexertion and energy capacity/energy force is very much supported by Ellen White.

She was way ahead and her writings and insight on vital force /energy dysfunction and the myriad of symptoms that follows, is profoundly more amazing than many of her other health predictions. So any adventist who have problem with this when it go along way to prove her prophetic gift, is beyond me. Her insight here is mindblowing and so accurate if you compareit with the newest medicial scientific evidence and research on energy dysfunctin, mitochondrial disease, and mitochondrial dysfunction as the root cause for so many diseases. But the medical state I have is very directly linked to energy dysfunction. EVIDENCE THAT MY MEDICATION DOES NOT HELP BECAUSE I BELIEVE IT WILL HELP some people out there claims. It certainly does not function that way for me. I would never take any medication, unless I think it will help. So every time I take medication, whether painkillers or medication aimed particular at migraines or gaba medication for vestibular migraines (or to reduce the excitatory neurotoxic state/neuro inflammatory state of the brain. So when the medication help sometimes and not other days, and I always believe it will help the same way, it is an evidence that it does not help, when it does not help, simply because I believe it will. If that was the case, I would have the same result every time. And this I have written about many times earlier and experienced countless of times. I have also been very cheerful the last few days when working, singing and whistling to songs for hours, while working and amid pressure. I also repeated what I said about feeling more cheerful when working physically and managing to get things done, than having to lie in bed writing things like this for the hundred of times. I also much more prefer it over any interior design "game" on my phone, which I do for learning more about various styles, practicing etc.

(NOTE:This was still 2018-2019. My activity and state and medication use have changed throughout 2020 -today, which is late March 2021)

Ellen G. White on lack of vital force (energy):

IF THE VITAL FORCE (ENERGY/MITOCHONDRIAL FORCE) IS TOO RAPIDLY EXHAUSTED the nervous system borrows power for present use from its resources of strength, and when one organ is injured, all are affected. Nature bears abuse as long as she can without resisting, then she arouses, and makes a mighty effort to rid herself of the incumbrances and evil treatment she has suffered. Then come HEADACHE, FEVERS, CHILLS, NERVOUSNESS, PARALYSIS AND OTHER EVILS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. —Ministry of healing OVERWORK: "Those who make great exertions to accomplish just so much work in a given time, and continue to labor when their judgment tells them they should rest, are never gainers. They are living on borrowed capital. They are expending the vital force which they will need at a future time. And when the energy they have so recklessly used is demanded, they fail for want of it. The physical strength is gone, the mental powers fail. They realize that they have met with a loss, but do not know what it is. Their time of need has come, but their physical resources are exhausted.

OVEREXERTION: "Those who make great exertions to accomplish just so much work in a given time, and continue to labor when their judgment tells them they should rest, are never gainers. They are living on borrowed capital. They are expending the vital force which they will need at a future time. And when the energy they have so recklessly used is demanded, they fail for want of it. The physical strength is gone, the mental powers fail. They realize that they have met with a loss, but do not know what it is. Their time of need has come, but their physical resources are exhausted.



· The illness of James White perfectly illustrate this. Personally I know this from years of experiencing and carefully observing and battling ME/cfs during my most severely ill period that lasted years. From 2007-2013. When your vital force is so wrecked (low energy/mitochondria dysfunction) you end up very ill, it is vital that your surroundings listen to you. When James White was so sick with a severe excitatory neurotoxic state(see previous notes) that he could not endure the sound of sewing/knitting and conversation in the room and Ellen White knew how important it was to respect his extreme reaction to stimuli (in this case, sound. Not noise, but something as harmless as sewing and knitting , why is it that so many seem to have the impression that some people should be able to tolerate anything and everything when ill? When a person is ill you should be understanding of the person's need. If a person is too ill to handle much sound or light at the moment, the patient needs to be protected from this stimuli until healed. That is the only way the person can heal. Some people seem to think that the opposite is true, force them to undergo what they can not currently handle due to illness and lack of vital force. It's like exposing a person to a tazer gun without pause and expect them to heal. Have you ever been so sick you could not tolerate the sound of sewing and knitting or a little conversation in the room? Maybe not. If you have never been in the situation and experienced it, what makes you think you know better when it comes to how this person can be healed?


·"Now, God has given us strength, and He wants us to preserve it. He does not want us to expend that strength needlessly. He wants us to know that when we have gone far enough we should stop. If anybody should say, “Here you should work more,” let them understand that we have somebody that owns the body, that has bought it with a price, and that we must take care of the body, so as not to use it up needlessly. Now, we have those that are ministers. Well, they have given themselves to the work until it seems as though there was no hope for them. My husband died because of overwork. " Ms 193, 1905 Her quote needs to be balanced with her many quotes on overexertion as a cause for illness. See also my post below for more quotes. Dr. Cheney describing patients during a severely ill neuroinflammatory period:

"In CFIDS, an ongoing injury to the brain shifts patients toward seizure. A dot to the left of the middle, marked “injury,” represents the position of CFIDS patients. This puts us in the red “Neurotoxic” zone. When we shift toward seizure, we often experience “sensory overload.” It’s as if our brain’s “radar” is too sensitive. Our neurons (nerve cells) are sensing stimuli and firing when they should not. This causes amplification of sensory input. Light, noise, motion and pain are all magnified. At the beginning of their illness, many patients report feeling exhausted, yet also strangely “wired.” The “wired” feeling is the slight shift towards seizure that occurs as a result of the excitatory neurotoxicity. Cheney frequently uses the term “threshold potential” when discussing excitatory neurotoxicity. (Think of the threshold – bottom – of a doorway. The lower it is, the more accessible it is. When it is at floor level, everything can enter. When it is raised, access is restricted to taller people. If it is too high, no one can enter.) Threshold potential refers to how much stimulus it takes to make neurons fire. If the threshold potential is too low, even slight stimulation is “allowed to enter” and is detected by the neurons. This causes the neurons to fire, resulting in sensory overload. If the threshold is dropped to nothing, all stimuli get through and the neurons fire continuously, resulting in a seizure. If the threshold is raised, only stronger stimuli can make neurons fire. A healthy person’s threshold potential naturally rises at bedtime, promoting sleep. If the threshold potential is too high, you feel drugged or drowsy. If the threshold potential is raised extremely high, coma results. Two receptors in the brain, NMDA and GABA, determine the threshold potential. During the waking hours of a healthy person, NMDA and GABA should be equally active. This balances the person in the middle of the seizure/coma continuum. NMDA stimulates, and GABA inhibits. If NMDA increases, one moves toward seizure. If GABA increases, one moves toward coma. In CFIDS, NMDA is more activated than GABA, lowering the threshold potential. This causes neurons to fire with very little stimulation, resulting in sensory overload. This condition of excitatory neurotoxicity is dangerous. Dr. Cheney emphasizes that in an attempt to protect itself, the body will eventually kill neurons that fire excessively. He states that brain cell loss can result if this condition isn’t addressed. How can the brain be protected against excitatory neurotoxicity? Klonopin. This long acting benzodiazepine has been Dr. Cheney’s most effective drug for CFIDS over the years. He believes that Klonopin and the supplement magnesium may be two of the most important treatments for CFIDS patients because of their neuroprotective qualities. He recommends two or more 0.5 mg tablets of Klonopin at night. Paradoxically, very small doses (usually a quarter to a half a tablet) in the morning and mid-afternoon improve cognitive function and energy. If the daytime dose is low enough, you’ll experience greater clarity and think better. If the daytime dose is too high, you’ll become drowsy. Adjust your dose for maximum benefit, taking as much as possible without drowsiness. Adjust the morning dose first, then take the same amount mid-afternoon if needed, then take three to four times the morning dose at bedtime. Dr. Cheney recommends doubling the dose during severe relapses."

· To not take medication when you know and have experienced day in and day out for years and years that this is exactly how it works, it would be a sin not to take medication. We are not to act extremely stupid when we know so much better. When natural remedies do not work, we must resort to medication when we have such a condition. Anything else is severe stupidity and not the other way around. Or do you recommend every person out there who take medication and for something this serious to throw away their medication and not doing it is a sin? Of course not unless you are either extremely intellectually dishonest.


So again when you have this condition: please read Dr. Cheney's explanation which is the best and most sensible explanation that fits perfectly with my experience (which I have explained in every way possible myself and also wrote a health journal day by day and sometimes hour by hour in 2017, explaining everything that happened and why it happened. And anyone who watched could not possibly explain it away in any other way. Everything that has happened since then has only proved this as perfectly and solid as it is possible to prove and explain something.


As for medication and the absurdity of trying to compare Gaba medication used for certain migraine conditions like vestibular migraines and epileptic tendencies with alcohol, which again as I have said before has the complete opposite effect. Alcohol induce and cause neurotoxicity in the brain (increased brain inflammation) which is why "hangovers" happen, while Gaba medication reduce brain inflammation and the excitatory neurotoxic state of the brain. Of course. know for a fact that alcohol increases brain inflammation, it does not reduce it. As Dr. Cheney specifies, Gaba medication protect the brain from this dangerous excitatory neurotoxic state (see careful explanations in my notes). Alcohol would have the opposite effect. I know this because I have tried alcohol and tobacco a few times many years ago and noticed no positive benefits at all. I only noticed feeling dizzy or feeling more poisoned, completely opposite of how GABA medication works when you suffer with chronic brain inflammatory states. The complete opposite effect.

The medication is for brain inflammatory/neuroinflammatory conditions (excitatory neurotoxic state) which in my case as proved more than thousands of times usually caused by overexertion -going outside my energy envelope which for a person with an energy dysfunction. While it is more or less chronic, it is not static and very erratic (depending on ones current state). As Cheney says, these medications (gaba medictaions) are used to treat this, to protect the brain from this excitatory neurotoxic state which is harmful to the brain, promote/induce sleep since this state causes bad insomnia despite severe fatigue (severe wired and tired feeling) and the brain is not able to get to the sleep stage by itself, without medication, at least when severe or on bad days. And the worse this brain inflammatory state gets, the longer you go to the left (away from this sleep state even if you are extremely fatigued, but wired and even epileptic tendencies if severe instead of sleepy. This is an automatic process and like I said in at least 90 percent of all setbacks, worsening of symptoms a result of post exertional malaise, i.e caused by overexertion in some form, despite (emphasis added) feeling cheerful and joyful and relaxed while working or exercising (going for walks etc). When symptoms start to arrive however, you can only go so far before your entire body screams ( even the neck and spine start to bend when severe inflammation sets in, which is nothing like feeling stiff in your back, this is inflammation of the brain and spine that get worse and worse until you manage to stop and pause) to force you to retire/relax/take a nap.

The point is to do what works best for your health state. Try natural remedies first and if it does not work, then medication is the right thing to choose IF the alternative of not taking medication will make you a lot sicker and/or what I would refer to as choosing a slow and painful suicide. So you choose the best out of two alternatives, and use what best lead to better health. Like I said, I notice less side effects if I take medication and more if I do not. We are to weigh for and against and base our decisions on experience. The overall principle is for each individual to do what leads to a better health (also medications today are often different than they were at the time she lived, so one has to keep that in mind as well), not worse, like I have provided examples of. If someone has epilepsy or similar conditions and do not take their medication and end up with a severe seizure because they threw away their medication that helped and protected their brain, and then get very sick or dies (as happened about a month ago to a neighbor). God would most definitely have asked him to be responsible and do what he has to do in his case that will increase his health and not ruin or destroy it. We serve a reasonable God, not a God who would want us having commit gradual and slow suicide.

------------------------------------ SUM UP Health status since August 2020 until present (late March 2021: After the severe relapse from January until August of 2020, after battling the flu for one month, followed by bleedings for 14 days in one month, with an already existing diagnosis of anemia, my health started to finally improve. To the point where I could resume a moderate activity level. From not being able to go for walks (or even walk at all for some months) and not managing to even stare at a computer screen for almost 6 months, I was finally able to. I have managed to go for walks almost daily (between 1, 5- 5 km) the last 7-8 months. I have also managed to perform regular housekeeping activities (mopping, dusting, writing articles, and cooking some days depending on what I choose to spend my energy on). But a marked improvement again since the severe relapse. The most severe relapse in many years, probably the worst and long lasting since 2011. I was at a very critically low point around May-June 2020. I have also managed to cut out all gaba medication during awake hours, and also reduce the use of other medications, like painkillers and migraine sprays, significantly since mid June 2020.

Update on the use of Gaba medicationas, February 15th, 2022.

I still have not gone back to the gaba medications I used until June 2020. So it has been more than 1,5 years now. Whether it is a good idea at this point, I am less certain of though.

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