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The Health message (8 health keys)

Oppdatert: 15. feb. 2022

As most should know by now, I am not against the health message. I am probably more dependent on the health message than most, and I preach and practice it to my best ability. But I am against a very narrow minded and legalist idea of the health message that is alleergic to the use of common sense. Temperance reform. Moderation. Unwise use of drugs is what is dangerous- And like most things, the danger of estremism often lies in both directions. That is, reckless use of medication and medical help can go both ways. With taking medication for the slightest discomfort, persistently,without judging whether it is appropriate to take them or not. That is, the overuse of medication or running to the doctor even at the mildest cold. The point is that one should seek medical help and treatment and take medication if it is appropriate and necessary and if the condition requires it. Take, the foolish teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses who deny their members blood transfusions, which can be very harmful, not beneficial, not something that leads to the improvement of the medical condition and can even lead to death. They argue that this can make them unclean. But the words of the Bible clearly emphasize that one should not have an over-focus on the physical body, but the spiritual body. Although one should try to live healthy of course. God does not want us to end up dying prematurely, but He has used and continues to use people in His service even when they are sick. "In health and in sickness God still uses them." Ellen White.

Ellen White who received her first vision from God while in a critically ill / sick condition. Had he meant that she could not receive the Holy Spirit in this state, he would not have given her a vision in such a state either. She was so weak that she could barely hold a cup and absorb nourishment. But still God used her. Many years later, after having preached and practiced the health message, she became very ill and bedridden, but God still inspired her to continue working and writing for Him. She also got bedridden for 4 weeks during a flu pandemic after having preached and practiced the health message for several decades. Another such relevant and important example is the use of medication. Ellen White did not say that one should never see a doctor or be able to take medication. Is it a sensible use of medication she promote, not the overuse of it and taking precuations with regards to side effects. We have an individual responsibility here, not blindly trust our doctors. That is mainly the point. Take gaba medication for migraleptic / epileptic conditions, which have the opposite effect of eg alcohol in that it reduces, not increase (such as alcohol) encephalitis. Gaba is healing for the brain, while alcohol is destructive for the brain. There is no intoxication, similar result as after getting a good night’s sleep, or taking a bath, or fresh air / sun and hot temperatures, which sometimes depend on the current situation and severity. Meaning it reduce inflammation in the brain and body. There is also little to no side effects on these. I use natural healing methods when it has a good effect, and use them in addition, BUT if you have to resort to medication to lower the encephalitis a period where all natural aids are sufficient, then it is justifiable and reasonable to use medication. I have always been a person who do not like running to the doctor’s office or taking medications, hospital stays and have avoided medication often, when I do not feel it is necessary. Such conditions of more severe encephalitis can occur, for example, when a person has a severe flu, which can be compared to the state of those suffering an ME relapse. People with Me or energy dysfunctional diseases (lack of vital force) which is something that many of the pioneers experienced, and even died of, as it will attack the energy-sensitive organs such as heart, brain, muscles, eyes and more. Just as a flu can go from noticeable to moderate to severe to critical, so can ME go through the same stages, back and forth depending on energy capacity that will also affect the immune system. So sensible and rational medication use goes both ways. I have justified, explained, demonstrated and proven this over several years now, both with experiences over, years, medical explanation, explanation based on the teachings of Ellen White (see all notes on all this). Just as it is unwise and sinful to even refuse blood transfusions for fear because it can cause one to become spiritually unclean from the physical human blood of an outsider who is not Jehovah's Witnesses, that is, from one they regard as unclean. But what does God say about this? His overriding principle is always to do our best using that which promotes health, whether it involve some use of medication or not, as long as it is well thought through. To deny the use of blood transfusion if we need it in an emergency, would be a sin and not the other way around. The same applies, for example, to gaba medicines that protect the brain against “migraleptic”, epileptic conditions and even seizures. Not using such medications for such conditions and especially when the condition is more serious, after having tried all of the natural aids, would be against the use of common sense and rationality, it would be irrational and hence a sin. This is an individual responsibility and a matter that no other human should judge and especially not after the person has explained, demonstrated and proven how everything is connected, that it is in no way experienced as an intoxication, or increasing inflammation/toxicity, but quite the contrary. Very important not to over-emphasize the physical over the spiritual. Although I am opposed to the use of alcohol due to increased toxicity. While to consistently argue against what is so obvious and demonstrated and perfectly explained over ears, would be to defy the promptings of the holy spirit of truth, and would soon be in the category of false doctrines and hence being intoxicated by the spiritual wine of Babylon. This is in case the great paradox here.

This was a small derailment from medication use, as as I said, gaba medication for encephalitis is in no way about intoxication, but about reducing severe encephalitis so as to reduce dangerously high fever with medications in addition to applying natural healing principles. On the other hand, if you have a very low fever, it is often not appropriate to reduce the fever. It depends on how beneficial and practical it is and the degree of severity. If you improve by taking anti-inflammatories for high fever, or with natural aids (the latter is best when and if it works, but it is not always the case and you have to resort to medication), then the improvement you experience when the inflammation is lowered or the fever is reduced is an improvement, not an intoxication. Intoxication is characterized by confusion, ie something that leads to more confusion, not something that makes one better or that reduces inflammation, reduces encephalitis. I have proven and demonstrated countless times now how I write both when I have been healthy, mildly ill, moderately ill, seriously and critically ill, both without the use of medication and when using medication when needed. When the disease is more serious, I manage less, as Ellen White could only write a little on days when she was very ill, BUT it is completely in line with what I write on a day I am better. My understanding do not alter based on my current physical condition. If it change it is due to improved understanding and more knowledge and experience with time. This can also be perfectly proven by simply reading what I have written during periods suffering various degrees of illness and periods where I feel well and not suffering migraines and little to no exhaustion. The same applies to what I think or write both when I have not taken any medication (because I am better and it is not needed), to days or times of the day where I have taken some medication due to more severe migraines with vertigo e.g. I have also proven over the years that I am not addicted in the way that signifies addiction, where your dosage of medication must be increased. Rather it has been proven and demonstrated over many years now that it is exactly how Dr. Cheney explained in the article I have posted several times. namely that one need smaller doses if the condition is milder and larger doses when the condition is more severe. That means increased dosage only during relapses. Perfectly sensible and rational and expected. This is also a sensible use of medication. See Cheney's explanation of this, which is a doctor who often prescribes natural remedies, vitamins / minerals and natural aids even in the article on gaba use in relation to an excitatory neurotoxic state, which is a dangerous condition that can quickly lead to epileptic seizures, strokes and death and therefore irresponsible and sinful to disregard the use of medication (for more sever migraines, which can not be compared with normal headaches, migraines with vertigo, epileptic conditions. -Inflammation has been proven in those with ME among others, with severity depending on the current energy capacity ( also emphatically explained in various previous notes on this.) It protects and heals the brain, as they reduce encephalitis, where alcohol would increase it and be harmful.

So I'm talking about sensible and irrational use of mediction and medical procedures such as blood transfusions, surgery, etc. And the danger of overfocusing on the physical vs the spiritual health. Read again the section with Ellen White and how she was used by God even when she was very ill, both before and after the health message came. I would say that the true health message and the 8 health keys do incorporate a sensible, moderate use of medication in the health key called "TEMPERENCE/MODERATION = BALANCE). And when reading Ellen White's writings, keeping in mind her evolution in her approach on the use of medication, as the science and development in the medical industry evolved, I am convinced she would agree. Here is a rational article from Loma Linda University on this very topic:

Since I write about gaba medication in this article you should note that I have cut out all gaba medications during the day (awake hours) since a year now (since June 2020). Today it is June 2021. Read more on this in a separate article on this same health blog. The situation concerning my medication is still the same as of February 15th 2022.

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