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True Health reform, the cross and the law of the spirit. Part 1.

Oppdatert: 16. mar. 2022

8.12 2021 The type of stressors which is the cause of the present suffering determines the remedy of choice The type of stressor(s) which is the cause of the present suffering / health crisis (whether physical/organic, environmental, mental/ spiritual in nature) determines what type of healing strategy or remedy needed and applied at any given time. Sometimes it is also a combination of several factors, hence the solution must be broad spectrum. The most serious health crisis in terms of what healing strategy is needed are those that have a spiritual cause and need spiritual assistance. Meaning they can not be fixed much simply by rest, food or even medication. Even though suffering caused by organic stressor can get very serious of course. Most frequently for me the cause is a physical/organic type of stressor (like overwork, lack of rest/sleep, pms/period, exposure to environmental toxins like the computer when I have vestibular migraines), hence the remedy is primarily also then physical in nature. If I suffer from low blood sugar, the solution there and then is to eat. If I suffer from lack of sleep/rest and overwork, the solution then is to rest, sleep, baths, massage etc. But whenever some acute spiritual crisis show up, then the solution is primarily or first and foremost also spiritual assistance. The spiritual stressors can affect the physical state, yes, but it is only mental or spiritual in nature whenever that is the current relevant stress factor. Meaning it is pretty much useless to opt for mental therapy as the solution when you suffer from low blood sugar or pms. Of course we are always to ask God for assistance and help, but He has also provided for our physical needs and expect us to take care of our physical health. He does not say we are not to eat when we suffer a low blood sugar attack, or that we can just skip sleep if we really need to sleep, and rather think he will provide a miracle to rise our blood sugar levels or increase our physical stamina. He want us to be intelligent and understand what remedy to apply depending on the current crisis at hand. But that does no mean that He never expect us to sacrifice some temporal comfort for the sake of saving others. But there is a point we must be careful not to step over in order to not completely ruin our own health. But the picture is highly nuanced and while it may appear or being measured as if I suffer from the same, the cause and also the nature of suffering is different. So, highly complexed, and no black/white answer. It always depend on the current situation at hand. It is impossible for a human who have not experienced all these different states over a long period of time, to know the most appropriate treatment at any given time. God knows and understand, but most humans who have not experienced this, will not, even if they are doctors and even if they are specialists. They can be of help, but not understand sufficiently and give the proper solution at any given time. This the person must learn by education, but even more so by trials and errors over long periods of time. And after 6000 years of sin and degradation of human genes, there is no one fixed rule that suits all even if there are still general health principles that we should keep in mind and apply appropriately. Fresh air, sunshine, food that suit our individual need, (personally I am a vegetarian), water (inside out) exercise suited the individual and suited the present situation, proper rest and sleep, trust in divine power and so on.

So even here we see the importance of the way of the cross, of experience, of learning to walk by the spirit and not just by the letter.

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