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Trauma and mental stress in relation to energy dysfunction. Plus some points on the Holy spirit.

Oppdatert: 21. aug. 2021

In 2018 I experienced the most severe type of mental stress and trauma that would be possible to be exposed to and endure for any human being, regardless of their energy levels and health status. I was exposed to ongoing severe and even increasing amount of mental stressor and trauma every single day, both during sleep (in horrifying nightmares) and during awake hours, for not only weeks, but several months up to a year without any relief. Yet, I did not end up with relapse where I could not walk as I managed to go for walks all this time. It was not until the year of 2020, after I started to see small signs of miracles from God, that I got a relapse after a bad flu in January 2020, and a worsening of that state after a two week long menstrual period in April. Then I was very ill with a severe Me relapse lasting until August that year. However, during this time, while I was profoundly ill, God started to work with me and healing my traumas and inspire me with the holy spirit more than I have ever experienced in my life. One completely black area in my mind was gradually turned into white. I also went from feeling profound confusion during the years of severe trauma and witchcraft spells from the forces of darkness in 2018, to a very noticeable clearness in my mind. Like the holy spirit was sweeping clean the confusion and darkness and releasing me from all these Satanic attacks and witchcraft spells. Much of this happened as I said during this relapse period, but it continued also after I started feeling better in August same year. So the holy spirit was at work during all states: both during periods of severe, moderate and mild Me, and periods where I felt very well with no migraines and very little fatigue. In May 2021 when I got another bad relapse, the triggers were overexertion and a bad menstrual period again with similar symptoms as the relapse in 2020, which was even more profound. I may also add that during the periods of more severe relapses and severe migraines and vertigo, I always get increased photo and phonophobia and general physical wiredness due to the excitatory neurotoxic state. See previous articles on this. So again, fear and trauma and physical wiredness in connection to migraines and severe exhaustion are in two different categories. They are not one and the same, and should not be lumped into the same category. Of course traumas and mental stress would be more difficult to handle when you are exhausted and suffer with migraines and vertigo and physical nervousness/ rattleness, but they are still separate. If there ever was an excuse to be confused about this matter, there is no longer any excuse to be intellectual dishonest about this in my firm opinion. After so many years of experiencing this and reporting to the very details of my health and what triggers relapses in most cases. I am not saying that being exposed to traumatic experiences and mental stress is good for the health, but it is primarily physical stressors that has triggered most relapses over all these years. Now proven, demonstrated and journaled.

Take one example of "Hypoxia": This is a temporary condition of lack of oxygen. What about Christ when he suffered so much loss of blood? Do you think he did not go through the state of hypoxia when hanging on the cross at least? Hypoxia will cause delirium and severe physical nervousness for a period of time. Or all the martyrs for Christ who has tormented and suffered all manners of conditions in periods, or toward the end of their lives. Strangled almost to death and then revived. Does that mean they lost the holy spirit? Lost the character that Christ had built up inside their hearts and minds? If you believe that you believe the lies and deceptions of the Antichrist and Satan himself. ---------------------------------- And many who are Christians and also spiritualists, neither do you have any more excuse to discourage those who are very ill with the threat that they will be lost if they are not restored to physical health. While it is true that you would need periods where you are well enough to receive more knowledge, you are certainly not dependent to receive large amount of knowledge all the time. What God is building in you does not disappear if the wisdom of God has been received and engraved on your hearts and mind, in periods where you are suffering more profoundly. It is more about the spiritual health than it is about the physical. Although the arch enemy of souls would do everything in his power to make you think otherwise, the one who take pride in his flesh and the external and that you are totally dependent on it to be saved and happy. Happiness in God's estimation is not about energies or dopamine, serotonin or endorphins like modern spiritualism categorize it as. You can have a state of peace and happiness, spiritually on the inside (heart and mind) even during periods that would be judged and measured based on the standards of the world as the opposite: physically and "apparent", to all those who walk by sight (by the apparent and more external), and not by faith. That would involve both the world and many who profess to be Christians. If you do not have any personal agendas here, you would see that it has to be this way if you are actually on the side of Christ and not Satan in this matter. If you actually believe in the one true way of Jesus Christ and His gospel. If you truly believe in His life, His death, and resurrection. That he came to this earth and lived life in a human vessel, in an age after 4000 years of genetic corruption. Not only that, He went through everything a human being can go through, all types of suffering at one point, and still succeeded. Meaning, He did not lose the power of the holy spirit, He did not lose His character, His heart and mind. If you truly believe in Him, His law that was demonstrated and fulfilled on the cross during extreme amount of suffering, and yet perfected, not lost, nor a failure, then you would discern full well, that if this was not the actual case, that Satan would win over Christ and manage to reverse the victory Christ won against him. At least in your estimation and belief. So who do you really and truly believe in after all? What gospel are you really promoting? Christ’s ? Or Satan’s ? Romans 14:17 "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" "We are not commending ourselves to you again but giving you cause to boast about us, so that you may be able to answer those who boast about outward appearance and not about what is in the heart." - 2. Cor 5:12

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