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Vital force and health impact

Oppdatert: 21. aug. 2021

"The network of neurons throughout the body control thoughts, movement and all senses by sending and receiving thousands of neurotransmitters at communication points between the cells called synapses. "(...) "The production of neurotransmitters, its packaging and release, and the reception and removal of these chemicals all require energy." So in other words when there is an energy dysfunction or mitochondrial dysfunction, it will affect everything the neurons are responsible for, which will include "thoughts, movement and all senses" which include cognitive processes and also emotions. And when energy and energy dysfunction fluctuate to the extreme as seen in patients with particularly mitochondrial dysfunction with episodic crisis with partial recovery, function and dysfunction of the cells and more importantly neurons and affect neurotransmitters, and the symptoms that follows will vary dramatically not only from one period to another, but also hour by hour depending on the battery or energy capacity. Which will increase and decrease depending on healing or destroying/or energy sappers. This is very unlike a more steady progressive degenerative disease. The same pattern is also seen in patients with ME/CFS and a few other similar diseases rooted in an energy dysfunction. You will see symptoms vary to the extreme depending on their current energy level, and as I stated before it can and will affect basically everything the more the energy capacity is compromised and particularly the more delicate, energy demanding organs like the brain, eyes, heart. "Chronic fatigue illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, etc. (Also mitochondrial disease, mitochondrial myopathies etc) are DIRECTLY RELATED TO LOSS OF MITCHONDRIAL FUNCTION, which is MOSTLY TRUE FOR MANY OTHER DISEASES AS WELL, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders." -Garth Nicolson

"Mitochondrial defects are a central factor in human health and disease.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is at the core of a surprising range of very common illnesses and conditions, and a promising new avenue for their treatment. As the mitochondria are responsible for producing energy, any illness that has an energy problem could be related to the mitochondria"…/links-to-other-diseases/

"Loss of function in mitochondria, the key organelle responsible for cellular energy production, can result in the excess fatigue and other symptoms that are common complaints in almost every chronic disease....It is well known among researchers that mitochondrial genetic or primary mitochondrial disorders contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction and secondary or acquired degenerative disorders"

"If we carefully PRESERVE THE LIFE FORCE AND KEEP THE DELICATE MECHANISM OF THE BODY IN ORDER (However mitochondrial dysfunction will also automatically affect organs and particularly the delicate and most energy demanding organs like the brain and heart, muscles, endocrine organs,digestive organs and lungs and so on), the result is health." THE MINISTRY OF HEALING, PAGE 235 LACK OF LIFE FORCE /VITAL FORCE/ CONSTITUTIONAL FORCE = MITOCHONDRIAL/ENERGY DYSFUNCTION = ILLNESS The lower the life/vital force (battery), the worse the organs will be attacked and more so the energy demanding organs. The lower the energy, the more sensitive and fragile the organs and system becomes. "If we carefully PRESERVE THE LIFE FORCE AND KEEP THE DELICATE MECHANISM OF THE BODY IN ORDER (However mitochondrial dysfunction will automatically affect organs and particularly the delicate and most energy demanding organs like the brain and heart, muscles, endocrine organs,digestive organs and lungs and so on), the result is health." THE MINISTRY OF HEALING, PAGE 235 LACK OF LIFE FORCE /VITAL FORCE/ CONSTITUTIONAL FORCE = MITOCHONDRIAL/ENERGY DYSFUNCTION = ILLNESS The lower the life/vital force (battery), the worse the organs will be attacked and more so the energy demanding organs. The lower the energy, the more sensitive and fragile the organs and system becomes. Causes for illness could be: 1. Genetics (Many suffer in consequence of the transgression of their parents. While they are not responsible for what their parents have done.. ..” MOH p234) (transgressions of health laws of ancestors. The Bible also speak of inherited illness for generations. The word of God also says all creation is more or less cursed by the transgression of our first parents. One such example is the monthly period which makes women more or less sick. The less vital force one has, the more severe symptoms you will get.) . 2. AND/OR various stressors due to own transgression, others transgression, natural wear and tear (age) and sometimes accidents (physical, chemical, environmental and mental types). A woman's menstruaul period, that make women sick one week every 4 weeks, in addition to losing blood which often lead to anemia. 3. More conincidental causes like tics, virus, bacteria, mold, spider or snake bites etc. Some can be prevented to a point, while others is very difficult to impossible to prevent.

As in the case of MULTISYSTEM DISORDERS LIKE MITOCHONDRIAL DISEASE AND ALSO LUPUS FOR INSTANCE IT CAN AFFECT EVERYTHING. When energy dysfunction(like mitoocondrial dysfunction) is more profound, excitatory neurotoxic state is also higher and threshold potential of the brain lower. Which means increased sensitivity the more profound the energy dysfunction. And also when energy drops when mito dysfunction is present. (Since mitochondria and also many other causes for energy dysfunction can partially heal in time, how much stimuli and stressors one manage will vary from period to period. So the brain will react to everything when energy dysfunction is particularly low, to all types of stimuli and stressors as I have explained many times. Increased sensitivity not only for the brain, but also digestive system, skin, immune system etc. More energy dysfunction, more (temporarily at least until recovery) reduced function of the organs and system.

LOOK UP VITAL FORCE, LIFE FORCE OR CONSTITUTION OR CONSTITUTIONAL FORCE IN ELLEN WHITE\S WRITINGS AND YOU WILL SEE HOW OFTEN SHE REFERS TO THE WEARING AWAY OF THE LIFE/VITAL FORCES (ENERGY CAPACITY/MITOCHONDRIAL FORCE) DUE TO BOTH GENETICS (SINS OF FOREFATHERS); OWN TRESPASSES AND OTHERS TRESPASSES/VIOLATIONS OF HEALTH LAWS AND SOMETIMES ACCIDENTS LIKE EXPOSURE TO MOLD; VIRUSES; TICS ETC. And how the first parents had more than 20 times more energy capacity/mitchondrial function/vital force/life force/constitution than a healthy man today and thus the reason why we have not exterminated ourselves yet, as more and more disease and less energy function (more and more mitochondrial dysfunction) over thousands of years. This is seen most profoundly and directly in those born with severe mito disease, but also those with milder versions and multisystem diseases rooted mainly in mitochondrial dysfunction. But also other energy dysfunctions, and simple wear and tear temporary medical states. I have posted many different quotes about this from the SOP over the years. While I have posted many different quotes regarding this on how overwork/overactivity, impurities in the air (air pollution and lack of fresh air and ventilation in the room), lack of rest/sleep, too much study especially for children and young students, poor diet, exposure to cold, exposure to mold etc, excessive grief can all weaken the life force (mitochondrial/energy function). This causes various types of illnesses, conditions and ailments in various organs. While I have said that negative thoughts can also be a negative stressor that also will weaken life forces, I have also said that other types of stressors can do the same, and how organic causes can cause neurological and neuropsycriatric symptoms Because they *can* be symptoms of brain inflammation. See quote a few post up that explains how mitchondrial dysfunction cause an excitatory neurotoxic state, and also lower neurotransmitters in the brain. I emphasized *can*, since this only happens occassionally.

Here is a quote from the SOP (Ellen White) on how an organic cause (toxins in form of impurities in the air and lack of fresh invigorating air, can cause neuropsycriatric symptoms like gloominess, depression and also nervousness. Again because it leads to an increased inflammatory brain. Neuroinflammation and excitotoxicity.

"The effects produced by living in close, ill-ventilated rooms are these: The system becomes weakened, the circulation is depressed, the blood moves sluggishly through the system, because it is not purified and vitalized by the pure, invigorating air of heaven. The mind becomes depressed and gloomy, while the whole system is enervated. —Testimonies for the Church 1:702, 703. The same will be true for any other type of stressor that causes the very same: inflammation of the system and inflammation of the brain (neuroinflammation). When there is a significant loss of vital force (energy dysfunction) it will attack especially the most energy demanding organs like the brain, causing an inflammatory state, which can cause these symtoms. Again read all the various types of stressors and how they will all lessen the vital force (mitochondrial function) leading to a host of various symptoms, as it will attack especially the most energy demanding organs, like the brain, heart, muscles, lungs, skin. eyes, endocrine organs and digestive organs, lungs, kidneys, liver etc. Again, temporarily, until recovery. (Battery partially charged) There is not one or two causes, but many different types of negative stressors in addition to (in some cases) genetic mitochondrial dysfunction where they are born with a significant lower mitochondrial function. (Constitutional force/vital force) than most even their own gender.

"God has endowed us with a certain amount of VITAL FORCE. He has also formed us with organs suited to maintain the various functions of life, and He designs that these organs shall work together in harmony. If we carefully preserve the life force, and keep the delicate mechanism of the body in order, the result is health; but IF THE VITAL FORCE (ENERGY/MITOCHONDRIAL FORCE) IS TOO RAPIDLY EXHAUSTED the nervous system borrows power for present use from its resources of strength, and when one organ is injured, all are affected. Nature bears abuse as long as she can without resisting, then she arouses, and makes a mighty effort to rid herself of the incumbrances and evil treatment she has suffered. Then come HEADACHE, FEVERS, CHILLS, NERVOUSNESS, PARALYSIS AND OTHER EVILS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. —Ministry of healing Another such an example of a type of stressor (toxin) that will LESSEN THE VITAL FORCE (mito function): "Those who acquire and indulge the unnatural appetite for tobacco, do this at the expense of health. They are destroying nervous energy, lessening VITAL FORCE, and sacrificing MENTAL STRENGTH." TEMPERANCE, PAGE 64 "Some make themselves SICK BY OVERWORK. For these, rest, freedom from care, and a spare diet, are essential to restoration of health. To those who are BRAIN WEARY AND NERVOUS BECAUSE OF CONTINUAL LABOR AND CLOSE CONFINEMENT, a visit to the country, where they can live a simple, carefree life, coming in close contact with the things of nature, will be most helpful." -THE MINISTRY OF HEALING, PAGE 237 "I saw that it was THIS EXTRA LABOR WHEN THE SYSTEM WAS EXHAUSTED, that consumed the life of dear Brother Sperry and brought him prematurely to the grave. Had he worked with reference to health he might have lived to labor until the present time. It was, ALSO THIS EXTRA LABOR THAT EXHAUSTED THE LIFE FORCE OF OUR DEAR BROTHER CRANSON and caused his life of usefulness to be extinguished. Much singing, as well as protracted praying and talking, is extremely wearing." - Also note that this is a council for healthy individuals, how much more then for people with chronic illnesses with moderate to severe energy dysfunction? There are different expectations and treatments for those who are healthy and well, and those who are moderately to severely chronically ill. Any sane person should understand without blinking that you treat and expect different things from people based on their CURRENT health and strength. Different councils and expectations for different health and strength and illnesses. TESTIMONIES FOR THE CHURCH, VOL. 2, PAGE 117 "FOR THEIR ENERGIES ARE EXHAUSTED AND THEY LABOR ON NERVOUS EXCITEMENT. They may not realize any immediate injury, but they are surely UNDERMINING THEIR CONSTITUTION" —Counsels on Health, 99. "Those who make great exertions to accomplish just so much work in a given time, and CONTINUE TO LABOR WHEN THEIR JUDGHMENT TELL THEM THEY SHOULD REST ARE NEVER GAINERS. THEY ARE LIVING ON BORROWED CAPITAL (RESERVE ENERGY). They are EXPENDING THE VITAL FORCEwhich they will need at a future time. And when the energy they have so recklessly used is demanded, they fail for want of it. The PHYSICAL STRENGTH IS GONE, THE MENTAL POWERS FAIL. They realize that they have met with a loss, but do not know what it is. Their time of need has come, but their PHYSICAL RESOURCES ARE EXHAUSTED. " CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE AND BIBLE HYGIENE, PAGE 65 Connection between inflammation of the brain (a migraine is an inflammation of the brain) , convulsions and neuronal excitability from the Spirit Of Prophecy: "A SOLEMN APPEAL, PAGE 132 But, more especially, that most delicate of all organs, the brain, has often been permanently injured by too great exercise. This has often caused inflammation, then dropsy of the head, and convulsions, with their dreaded results." "...will cool the fevered brain and soothe the excited nerves (excited nerves = neurological nervousness/excitatory neurotoxic state" The Review and Herald September 22, 1885 paragraph 17 (Ellen G. White) * But in the debilitated and excitable state of his nervous system during his illness*, these special developments, which had been a blessing to him in health, were painfully excitable, and a hindrance to his recovery.”

Very logical and plain when you understand it and get this, and the pattern has repeated itself too many times to count. "Some make themselves sick by overwork. For these, rest, freedom from care, and a spare diet are essential to restoration of health. To those who are brain weary and nervous because of continual work and close confinement, a visit to the country, where they can live a simple, carefree life, coming in close contact with the things of nature, will be most helpful. Taking walks through the fields and woods, picking flowers, listening to the songs of the birds will do far more than any other agency toward their recovery."


Notice also here what factors that caused brain weariness and physical nervousness: two physical/organic factors, according to Ellen G. White: 1. continual work 2. close confinement

-Just two examples out of many various types of stressors (physical, environmental, chemical, mental types).

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